UNKILLABLE Deterministic Doom Prismatic Titan! - Destiny 2 Titan Build for PvE - Mobalytics (2024)

Using the Doomfang Pauldron exotic gauntlets on a Prismatic Titan in Destiny 2: The Final Shape creates an incredibly powerful and synergistic build that focuses on maximizing your Super uptime, enhancing melee effectiveness, and controlling the battlefield with utility options.

When combined with the Knockout and Diamond Lance aspects, the Shield Throw melee, Twilight Arsenal Super, and Suppressor Grenades, this build offers both offensive power and defensive utility, making it a versatile choice for various activities.

Doomfang Pauldron is an exotic gauntlet that enhances the Void/Prismatic subclass by providing bonus Super energy for every melee kill and providing bonus weapon damage to void weapons.

Each Enemy defeated by Shield Throw generates an extra 20% Super energy so that we can cast Twilight Arsenal more often.

Twilight Arsenal is a high damage burst super that weakens enemies and provides powerful axes for you and teammates to follow up with.

This is the ONLY Tier 3 Titan Super on Prismatic.

After Defeating enemies with void weapons or abilities you'll gain a stacking bonus in void weapon damage.

Staring at 10 percent and maxing out at 25% bonus damage which can be stacked on with Radiance and Activity Modifiers.

The Knockout aspect enhances your melee capabilities, making them more powerful and consistent, which synergizes perfectly with Doomfang Pauldron.

Increased Melee Range and DamageEnhanced Melee Damage: Knockout increases your melee damage after critically wounding an enemy or breaking their shield. This makes your melee attacks even more deadly, ensuring that you can reliably secure kills and trigger Doomfang Pauldron’s Super energy bonus.Melee Range Boost: Knockout also increases your melee range, allowing you to strike from a distance, which is especially useful when using Shield Throw or when you need to quickly finish off enemies to extend your Super duration.

Health RegenerationSurvivability Boost: Knockout provides health regeneration on melee kills, which enhances your survivability during aggressive engagements. This allows you to stay in the fight longer, continuously charging your Super and maintaining pressure on enemies.

Diamond Lance Aspect BenefitsDiamond Lance adds powerful utility to your build by giving you access to lances that can freeze or shatter enemies, adding crowd control to your aggressive playstyle.

Crowd Control and UtilityLance Creation: Diamond Lance creates a lance every time you defeat an enemy with a powered ability or stasis weapon.

These lances can be thrown to freeze enemies, creating additional opportunities to control the battlefield and set up kills.

Synergy with Shield Throw: The lances you create can be used strategically to freeze enemies before finishing them off with your Shield Throw melee, allowing you to recharge your Super and keep the chain going.

Battlefield ControlArea Denial: Diamond Lance’s freezing effect is a powerful tool for controlling the flow of battle, especially in PvE. You can freeze groups of enemies or high-priority targets, giving you time to eliminate them or reposition. In PvP, freezing opponents can turn the tide of an engagement, making them easy targets for follow-up attacks.Shield Throw Melee OptionShield Throw is a ranged melee attack that bounces off enemies, dealing damage and generating additional Super energy with Doomfang Pauldron equipped.

Ranged Melee AdvantageSafe Engagements: Shield Throw allows you to engage enemies from a distance, keeping you safer while still building up Super energy. The bouncing shield can hit multiple enemies, maximizing the energy gain from each throw.Chain Kills for Super Energy: Because the shield can hit multiple targets, you have a higher chance of getting kills with each throw, which directly contributes to extending your Super duration when Doomfang Pauldron is active.Twilight Arsenal SuperTwilight Arsenal is a devastating Super that allows you to hurl multiple Void shields, dealing massive damage and offering a mix of offense and defense.

Devastating Area DamageMulti-Target Elimination: Twilight Arsenal’s ability to throw multiple shields makes it excellent for clearing out groups of enemies or dealing with powerful foes. Each shield can bounce between targets, creating opportunities for chain kills that extend your Super when paired with Doomfang Pauldron.Enhanced Duration with Doomfang Pauldron: The synergy between Twilight Arsenal and Doomfang Pauldron means you can extend your Super by continually landing melee kills, making it last significantly longer and allowing you to clear entire rooms of enemies without dropping out of your Super.Suppressor GrenadesSuppressor Grenades are a utility-focused option that suppresses enemy abilities, making them ideal for controlling the battlefield in both PvE and PvP.

Ability SuppressionControl Over Powerful Enemies: Suppressor Grenades disable enemy abilities, which is particularly useful against powerful enemies in PvE or in PvP when you need to shut down a Guardian’s Super or ability spam.Strategic Utility: These grenades offer excellent crowd control, giving you the upper hand in difficult encounters. In PvP, they can neutralize an enemy’s momentum, allowing you to move in for a kill and gain the Super energy benefits from Doomfang Pauldron.

This build encourages an aggressive playstyle with powerful melee attacks and a Super that can be extended indefinitely with the right strategy. The added utility from Suppressor Grenades and Diamond Lance makes you versatile, able to handle a variety of situations.

UNKILLABLE Deterministic Doom Prismatic Titan! - Destiny 2 Titan Build for PvE - Mobalytics (2024)
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