The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)


ETC. MEDICAL. Bub. Practice or con- yen tent tovt-n. Pay cash if suitable, iaai.

Herald. MASSEUSE, with Rooms in Uactiuarie-st, and supported by leading doctor-i, deiirea UUpoae of Electrical Plant aud Goodwill, 100 or oiler. Particular! from jtsn UK JABCT. THK Bl 8V 8T01IK, WW tbt Goes Twit, ss Fir. A RW OP OUR WONDKHrTI.

VALUES. TWTS, TKNT8, TEXTS, TUNIS, In llsavy Tentiii, from 170 eacli. hm i Urge ranif. of TEST POLES. MATTRESS ia.

nd DUIUS; just the tiling lot Cuniplu-j. VKIUNDAII IH.IKIW. with To)j, toller, Mini ready for erection, mails in sillier Heavy Duck or Heavy Striped Camas, at til per square foot. Tliua a tf 8 Blind, complete, would eost 32, fDN BLINDS, Hemmed anil Kyelettetl, ready for erection, in either Dues, or Striped Canvas, lit, 16 each. Otbcr sixes aceordingly.

VAJtPAlTLINS.Our Kpeeiulitv Prices on application, iikck ciiaiiis, an, ttsstpar. theae Prirei. ith otlicr Firms, and Judge for vnuntelf us to our values. MA OBDKfM AND PAITHILI.LV ttl Goods Manufacture. in nur own r'a'-torv, thug SAYiNii Tin; Hiiim.iisiAx's riiunV.

-JSL-S, TOR AU' fl-ISSKS OP DRAI'KIIV ASD CLrrrilnG, etc. Our prices for ail goods arc just as low, SACK and 1)1: 7 TO 4KI I'lTT-STIIKW, CUT, Corner I'll! Hint llnrlow ypimflaa New Offli.M, 'Phone. Cltv 1IM0. 1 tASH KHUISHKb. Our Secoiidbsnd Reilstera can be depended upon, and the price la lower quality and amount of use considered-' then you would expect.

WB.GUARANTEK THKM IN FKRFP.CT ORDER. Terms are very eusy. You can pay casb If you choose. National Cash Registers Pay for themselves. TBB-MT10VA1.

CASH RE01STE8 CO. Of AURTRAt.Attl I lurrpn BVDNET. vKNprriA.v m.iNrw Ornaments! sn.l V.vmwttwtm feleexjtnr-tmt utiarters and Verandahs UneimaUBed. m. W''l' either war.

Made-from picked reilnoori, painted any ttlotsr. Hecure comfort for eominjr Hummer. The Rent ItlliwJs on the Market. MORTON- I'ATKNT BLIND, Mwshon-street, rear 107 Bourkc-strect, WooUosrmooloo. Thone, Wm.

10,5. BKWINO MACHINK BARfJAiSsT BKALK TOItl'EIX), Treadle 5 RINGER, OSO. ami Treadle, from 710 W1LCOI and UlllliS, Automatic 410 niiOPHIiAnS .....710 IIAND MALTllNES 210 Repairs. Parts, and FittlriRa, for all makes. IIOWI.KY'S SEWING MACHINES, I.IMITKD, MnrKi'is.

opposite lloyai Arcade. rv and IIABAIIUINk, Win wide, reduced from ls.o to 213 to xll and 1311. A splendid narR-uin, on-' dull not hi; miabcd. ALL-WOOL COATING MKItliKH, Mill wide. In Now nnd 111,,, for.

lli nnil -Clii ondprfnl VIllllPH. wo Iv rennet for I'alterns will an.sM-erM liv return mail I'. If. --'47 I'ltl-slrcel. Svdnev.

SKHTSfS MAI IIIXK 'or tlie I'amous Ill-British "JONES" SEHINti of Van. clierter, Liiclaml. 1321 Models now landins. Cash or Terras. Prom uhlui.

old machine, token as Wc "ls" Second-hand blMlr.R. HOME, from 3. PINNOI SEH INO MACHINE (.0. 9-Y- I noors from Mnrketstreet. ARIKJNATE OP L3 FEiiTil.LsEltrtha besTTcT orehnrda and farms, on trucks Portland, 3 loo, On trtioks Svilner slid Sulmrbs, 8-ton lota 43 ton.

1 too 61: oinale Baes, 14 to the Ion, delivered te fcori6e. it. for topdiessina it will pay you. THE COMMONWEALTH PORTLAND CEMENT LIMITED. 4 tpoiinel-streetSvrlney, I'" P'ln'oses, HARNESS and SOLE J.

In sides or cut as required. HALF fcOLES and RAXKES, SCRAP LEATHER. J. C. LlMiOtVlCI AND SONS, LIMITED, Pioneer I.eiitht-r Works, 117 Vork-rtrect, Sidney.

ordsHo(iiecii Vii-toriu-liiiildlnirs. cjTovEs, sTdvKs. TfrovK New, Strone, and Rellahle Cookers, with pipe and reaister, complete, frtm 819. J. JI LEPP and SONS.

LIMITED. Welli.iteM st. ern. Phone, 15. Makers of the famous Emu.

Modem Victor, sud Mascot Stoves, snd Gem Gaa Coppers. Lists on annlicatiun. Ji OKKBRS for 227 Rifles will lie rceplved at the pi'tcb r-Hi-i'ijr wepurinicni, i.t oung-Ktroet, up til) H.oO p.m. on lltli Octoltur, J921. The Vifles, wliioK may bo inspnetrd at tlie I'ulfce Oepot, IS Mm ir.v-.urf Mitj oiu paiMirns, anu wm he iui -ii lA.ulCil Tiilt ANDAH BLINDS.

White Canvas Duck, Blue. Red. and Bmwn Ktrin. al-o patent Green Slatted Blinds, made to order at LOWEST PRICES IN CITY. Send mpasnrementi.

1 fctate drop. I. It. HIND and 130 anl liasem*nU, next Mark t'oy'i, also 1, 3, 0, 9 RUBBER HOSE, RUBBER HOSE, New and Seond-hJnd, at Loweat Price In Svdnej. I.

R. HIND and 13d Kli7.abeth -street, iipt mar roy, KSlsh WATCH, lfict! niiiii-Kniiie centre Becont a Kpiv BACKUP! SE and uOYDER, 8S Hunter-atreet. MEN WANTED, LEARN MOTOR CAR DRIVING AT THE SYDNEY MOTOR SCHOOL. LARGEST AND MOST UP-TO ATK SCHOOL.

CLASSES DAY AND NIGHT. We instruct on 11 Cars Talbols, Sunbeams, Stoewera, 'ordi. electric starters, muinicto. tyre vul- cuniters, and use all the appllam-es of a large garage. ana see pupils working on cam, lor wnom v.e llud noaitiona everv week.

II. K. HARDY. Priuclnal. THE SYDNEY MOTOR SCHOOL OF KNGINEKRINO, 131 and UKUi.NbHliltsiKM-.l, on jiiiiaDnn-w, Near central sutlon.

mi mono, iicuiern fi'Q- JOTOR SCIJOOU ASH TON'S MOTOR SCHOOL and OARAOI, Osry's-chambers, Utile Regent-street, Usiiluiaii.uniiari. Mhmi. RtNlIem flSl. MBOHAMCAL, ELECTUICAL, and DRIVING COURSS. The Host Up-to-daif School In Australia, Driving Tuition on latest ENGLISH CARS and "FORD." Call for an inspection and ohtaln Svllsbin.

EOTOR MEANS MORE MONEY IF TRAINED AT DOHERTY ASI) ADAMS' MOTOR SCHOOL. Here are only a few. of our well-known clients: Uenra. Anthouv Hordern. Ilorderu Marcus Clark, McMahoiw.

Prlers' Amer. Deli cacies, rretn anu ire, nm. Anion, Dslgety, WInclicoinhe. Carson, Ltd. Note the name Doherty and Adamx, und write at once for svllabua.

Iielav means lof onnortunities. Hours: Monday to Fridy, Night CIssms, Hon day, Wednesday, snd Tlmtvinv. 7-u. 70 OXFORD-STREET, CTTT (between Grown and Riley streets). Wm, 184.

Car entrance. Oxford-lane, at rear. AJOW i-i is a good time to begin at the aMETBOPOUTAir BUSINESS COLLEGE. ALL CLASSES RESUME Tuesday, 4th October, fhwteial (Iimm forminv for Stabs TvDistes November. Our Students were placed rirst, Mcona, inim, in th latest exam, fresults Just STaRable), making 11.

FIRSTS out of the last 14 exams. (Stale and Commonwealth). MLB.C. TRAINTNO Is practical snd ttorongh Jnst what YOUR ROY ana mm, require nerore entenng ousiness me. We find positions for all competent students.

We apeclaltse in Bookkeeping and Accountancy tot mt.Tt, inn rrctanai i rainintr for vtu.ur..N. EARLY EVENING SESSION, 41 to 7M, in all suojccis. uicr sebtnon, i.w to if. HETKOPOLITAN BUSINESS COLLEGE, Directors; T. Stanley Summrrhayra, J.

A. Turner, F.C.P.A. 338 PITT-STREET, 2 doors from Liverpool -street. OPPORTUNITY for Ladies and Gentlemen with Dm-- matic abil. Itm.

3. top floor. Caniegie'w. PAINTING Taiicht bv oohI. 2U ncr Icasaon.

A rtist, Mirrey, in-a tty-av, Hyde. T3UBU0 SERVICE EXAMINATIONS. JL Examinations for annnintmpnt to the Publlo Ser vice will be held In i-onjunctlon with the Intermediate and Leaving Certificate examinations, edrnmeticiug on 28th and 16th October respectively. For further particulars see this paper of 17th September, S. ClUMIMONecretary.

(x7406) p'HOTO. RETO UCHING TO BE A SUCCESS, TO EARN MORE MONEY. la the ardent desire of tlie AMBITIOUS. A portion only of your Kpare time devoted to a study of PHOTO. itr.ivuuiUMi win onanie you to AIAIVU A Itr.AljIl I.

PHOTO. 4trJrOUCIIINfl ia cxceedinelv intarestlnil and congenial. SPLKNDID MONEY MADE. Pro-ficieury guaranteed. Positions found.


PIANIST open dances, socials, orch. If reu. F.M., Bonnie Doon, Coolcat, Randwick. JEAD! THINK I ACT! flno a year or 4 a week 800 a year or .4 a week ONLY TRAINING ACCOUNTS FOR THE DIFFERENCE Two lads start side by side EQUAL. ONE stands still his only gain, is age and discouragement SPARE TIME WASTED.

THE OTHER with Just the same opportunity grows to a position of command and big pay, with all its accompanying advantages and comforts SPARE TIME USED. STEP THE ONE-WAY BY Road to SUCCESS STEP- is SPARE-TIME STUDY. YES1 The I.O.S. way: STEP BY STEP. Half an hour per duy means 182jhoura per year.

Man! You become an expert almost without knowing it. Make your decision at once, and we will do the-rest Accountancy Business Management Advertising Commercial Illustrating Salesmanship Bookkeeping Station Bookkeeping Window Dressing Show Carfl Writing Commercial Correspondence Advunced Office Training Cost Accounting Motor Engineering Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Civil Engineering Steam Engineering Structural Engineering Concrete Engineering Refrigeration Engineering Architecture Building Contracting 1 Cabi iipt making' Motor-body Building Draughtsmanship (all branches). EVERY I.C.S. STUDENT KNOWS THE VALUE OP BEING READY WHEN OPPORTUNITIES OFFER. Write at once for free prospeetus, giving details of practically nny subject nt all, including Dressmaking nnd Millinery, All Languages (Phonograph method).

Address Dept. A. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS LIMITED, "The World's Schoolhouse." (2,600,000 student E.10,00t in Australia alone). Anderson 399 George-street, SYDNEY. NAME (S.M.H.


Dressmaking; Details, Millinery. THE WOMAN'S INSTITUTE. LONDON. NEW YORK. SYDNEY (l.O.S.

SOLE CONCESSIONAIRES). Write lor faseinntine; prospectus. AiMress Dcr-I. A. 8IW Qcorgc-strcet, SYDNEY.

OCCUPATION ADDRESS In 3 lessons: personal, postal; success guaranteed. Newton Bus. Colleire 28 Cnstlerenirli-Htrect. opp. 'Fov's.

'Phone, cltv rm SIIHIE ENGINEERING STUDENTS com, to mo or personal training. 11 Wllonn-nvenue. Lavender Day. SUPERFLUOUS HAIRS permanently ami painlessly Removed in llio privacy of your own room, hv Roskanl Home Treatment "VIBHA." Write for lltcru-turo anil price list of IIOSKARD Toilet Preparations MME. nOSKARD KT CIE.

121 ri.lhni",. Shorthand in 211 days, it hoyd System tanalit personally or by tnnll. Accepted in Commonwealth and State Eaams. No Scholarships-yon pay full fees, nnil bo does everybody elso with us SHORTHAND. TOUCH TYPEWRITING, BOOKEFP INO, ACCOUNTANCY, and GENERAL' COACIIINO CLASSES, Day anil Nlnlit.

City 1(1(0. BOYD SHORT HAND (N.S..) LIMITED. Dalclng House, nest Rail. way Stntion. SKETCHING FOR PLEASURE Attn tnnriT Out coursen tilintM nt rnuMi-nmn mm from ilinple Uttering and Ticket Writing to the High- iTrnrin Pi.tiim rldnln,,a.iliin.hi.

I nrade Picture Dlsnln; I YOU sliould art 'into this nrofwlnn. ki.i. S.Jfrat Poasllillitlcs to those who can produce ORIGINAL IIIIIILORADE ARTISTIC WORK. You must, however, get the HlflHT TRAINING, our practical courses ore dcilaned to develop vour ilop your laienu in tuts liircetion, We DO NOT guarantee to make competent artist In 12 lesions at nominal fee. but we DO Bfl timekeeper in coat 150 pre-war Riite P0K SALE.

PLYMKI, CARBON" BLACK aud "PATKTO0LO0REn PAINTS. Ill Whitaw. Klt RhI tiim ml. Kult- able for either Inside or outside work, and roofs; much leas in price thau all other oil taints. PLY MEL Willi ANT tATr-ItMISATOsi, Quadruple Strength.

For use, add three part water to one part EXTKRM1NATOU. Why carry a four-gallon tin borne instead of only one gallon Can be kulsomined or painted over without Colour Procurable whole-sale and retail everywhere; or from PLY MEL, LIMITED, Flood and WHHanm sU, Iichliardt. Pet 17W1. VERANDAH BLINDS, Tenia, Flys, Taruaul VKllANIJAIl BI-IKUS, Ulins. Fluirn Wataariiami.

mtn. The Hou Tn SYDNEY. Comparison defied in PliICK, MATERIAL, and WORKMANSHIP. Send for prices and tomples. This hbould convince iwu.

uuuiu mreoii irom factory vo user. No heavy shop rent. No agents or travellers. Get but right now. Write -and tell ua what yon require.

We aba)! be pleaded to quote you, PIKK ami PARKUlIt S3 Foster itreft. off Campbcll-gtreet, CTTT. It RAT WRIT CORNED BEEF (SUGAR CURED), CORNED BOLLS, CORN MUTTON, LB. Prompt Delivery, Hail or Bout, Please Add Freight. Personal Attention ta Country Orders.

WILLIAMS 'and SONS, Eatab. 1880. SHIPPING and FAMILY BUTCHERS, 4 ERSK1NK-STIIKET, SYDNEY. GILDING MAT1.RIAI.S or all a lron Guttering, Ridgc eapplng, Water w-n unpn, ranei ano ieoge Doors, Box Frames awl Sashes, Coppers, Sinks, Cisterns. --vi hci vuinpofii ana cusiierpHgn streets, Opposite Railway Park, late 412A PiU-Mrcet.

ATTIOB r.tha.-Our Laths arc cut out of tret-class and Uke very little Paint, 176 per 1000ft, all siea of Oregon, Pine, and Hardwood, at lowest u. Cavnii ana iu, Timber- McrclianLs. 'Phone, Pet fiOOS. "tain-rd, lchliardL afiALV. Iron.

Ifln RnifrimM nul Ki.Vini inn n.n. VX Cajvmtitlt. Fl-nnfc ami l-Hro llnnrc 'KYsl ft Kauri Flooring, 2 super; 2000ft Lining and Partition, ijnjwmi biiu iregonj warauui htovea, urates. Sinks, DIXON'S TIMBER YARD, 382 Parramatta-road, Petersham. TvrNNPii anH n.j it.

sizes; Coats, Vests, Assam Suits, Cream Serge DuiicMflca, -irunas, an teal nail price. u. iii.nia3, auA uroaaway, Phone- M1028. few doors Grace Bros. NEW SEAGKASS PRAM, 40; Massive Oak 8-pirce Bedroom Suite.

1210: Oak Double Bed. 40: Dinimr-room. kitJien. 5. Urn.

l.rl narlpv.irjt. TTILDER and NOBLE. 2nd Daldnir Hoinn. Raw. J.X son-place, stock new and 2nd -hand Sewing Machines, and Parte and Needles, for every make of machine; also Weigel'a Patterns.

8165. J. W. JOHNSTON "and OOYS stock of Sewing Machines and Sundries, is now on Sale by Hilder aim tiuoie, znc, waking nouse, Jtawson-piace. Agents alao for Wei gel's Patterns and Publications.

AMERICAN Mi flit Parlour, Austntlfa-st, Newtown, near Bridge. Children's Frocks, Rompers, Bloomers, 10 up; Women's Voile Frocks, 36 up. C1IIARMING cathedral striking 8-day Marbictte Clock, perf. order, iruaranteed. cost o.

sell itaiiantine, jeweller, Hawtson-place. IjIOR SALE, ideal Gaa Stove, nearly new. What offer? Arnniine wihpcnsar.v, INVISIBLE Bifocals, a speciality, examination free. Mou lane Stunt Exrcrt. (I2 Georir.t-t.L IJECOND-HAND Copper, Stove, Grate, Doors, lron, etc.

17 ros'enor-crescen Suminer llill. DRESS SUIT, suit mail Mt 8iri, 0. 38 Baptist, ht, Rcdfern. ASH' REGISTER, Total Adder, Id to 210, ahsr 00. 21 Gordon-st, I'etenslwun.

U1.AG1.ASS PRAMS, new. 65; Pull Carta, yj 15. latest and new. 101 Darlev-sl. Newtown.

SINGKft'S Hewing Maclilno, perfect order, rhcap. I Collin-st, Surry Hills. Home tilt 11 till Monday. LAWN HOLLERS, good, second-hand, 2cwt to froni oy, clearing. 54 liiverpool-st, opp.

Haihour-st lAWDUST given away, suitable (lours or packing. lO Cousens, Homcbusli -crescent, Homebuth. 'Younger, iV; one" Success, 40, equal new, delivered. Irfsura. 7th-av, CampBie.

LARGE Gondola Scagrass PRAM, cost 9, sell 4 10s Ncxtdoor jiiancutiu Afth. several celling and jjosh, 240 v. cheap, ptd. eq. new.

27? Sussex-st C. 1268 T7INDOW STANDS, aik, cheap; new, made here. i uupm, ia iiereioro-st, UleDc. FURNITURE. ETC.

(Two lines (about 14 words). 2: Saturdays. 28. TO KUKNlTUItE BUYKUS of ALL CLASS of SAM. NliLSON date A.I.F.i will nnnn the Premises I'M and HKi King-st, Newtown, as an ur-iu-uAin uitnii uni.

wnere intend inc buyers will receive everv consideration as ta quality, cheapness, and attention, ily Motto, SATIS OPENINO DATK: FRIDAY, SEPT. 30th. NOTE THE ADDRESS: SAM. NELSON (late A.I.P.). 101 and IPC King-street, Newtown, A IX contents beautiful home, 17 in Maple and j-a.

uuk, muJt oe soia anout nan cost to avoia auction on premises. 2 Dining, 2 Breakfast, 2 Lounge, I 8 Bedroom Suites, Reds, Bedding, Springs, all sites; Eiderdowns, Blankets, Toilets, Pedestala, Palm Boxes, Stands, Hallstands, Kit. Furniture, 3-piece Lounge Suites, Eaay and Scagrass Furniture, Loughboy, beaut, collection Ax minster, Oriental, and other Carpet Squares, Rugs, Slips, 'Cot, Statues, Paintings, to be sacrificed. Just purchased and mainly unused. Inspect day or night.


-FFICE FURNITURE, New or S.H., Roll-top Desks, lat-top is riat-ton t. ur, tpisia tauia, Hevuit iiik oiuuia, utniui. viuwc una us, ihwh oii Filing Cabinets, COUNTERS, 100 MlRROIiS, WINDOW FITTINGS, Shop Fittings of every desctiptioDv. We are worth a call. L.

R. HIND and 136 Elizibcth-street, next Mark Foy's, Limited, andl, 8, 6, and 8 Clarke-Btreet. city. City 804. OR FLATS OF FURNTTURE, PIANOS, Purchased, any quantity, for cash; immediate Inspection.

Money Lent on Furniture, without taking possession; or If to be removed, can arrange Storage. City 868. R. ZIONS, Auctioneer, 260 Pitt-street "PRIVATE HOMK at Creat Oak JL Bedroom Suite, 11: Bed complete, Oak Hide board, larza mirror. 7: Oak Din.

Suite. 6: Tabic Drawing-room In Maple; fpotlcss, no reasonable ofTer reiuseil. (Jan oe seen any tunc. vn Darlington' roao, mnington, a stops irom urace uros. AM A CASH BUYER lor all class of FURNITURE.

Highest prices given. li uniting, Fair Deal. SAM, NELSON (late A.I.F.), 191 Kinir-strcct. L1850. Newtown.

R' EPATItlATiON FURNITURE. Ordti.are promptly executca at L. R. HIND and 130 Elizabeth-itreet, Next Mark Foy, 1 Jinked. IjWRNITUTlE.

MIRROHS for Furniture and Uantfl- piece Makers in stock, all-sizes. Prompt delivery. GRAINGER GLASS 372A Pitt-street (up the lanej. rnone, JINGLE Combination BEDSTEAD, 0x2, wiu Mattress, ouu vcranuau or camping out, taking 4a each. L.

R. HIND and 130 Elizabeth -street (near Mark Foy's, Cuunle selling un home in Oak and Made. only feiv months old, fift Maple Bed. Suite, oval Mirrors. 12: Munle Dimmr-room.

comoletc. 20; Oak Suite, S. Call, inspect Darley-street, wewtown (at. meters tram j. TJEAUTIFUL 5ft Oak Bed.

Suite, fitted largo oval j-f Dev. miirrors, taKe av iui, worm iw; juining- in- Oak. Sideboard. Chairs. Table, lii.

Apply Artist, 101 Darley-strect (white palings), near St. Fetera station. flRANSFERS, Marquetry and Inlay In Stoclt. Charlei ititcniC, li milieu, oo aTiii-'Hi oyuuey. FIFTY SINGLE HOSPITAL BEDS, CUEAP.

L. R. HIND and ELIZABETH-STREET. next Mark Foy's, Ltd. Tj'IRST'CLASS S.U.

FUHNITl RE. Worth while to coll ana inspect us uuu uAatMCh ia. L. R. HIND and ISO Elizabeth-street, next Mark Foy, Limited.

rKK and Manic. 3-piece Bednn. Suites, at factorv yJ 016, 2410; Bed, Bedding to match; otuer rum. nmne to iih iinarut-st, waverley, ml HI EE-FEET OAK BEDROOM SUITES. 11196.

L. H. UiND and 130 Elizabeth -it. next Mark Foy's, ltd. PRaf -UTASS 8 P1EUE MAPLE DINING-ROOM SUITE, also OCCASIONAL TABLE.

Mra. LITTLE, Gar-Hold Flats, liq Bridge-road. Glebe. wire mattrese. brass tester: concrete Garden Roller.

isureica uas atove. jam. TtTOSMAN. New Furniture. 8 rooms, kitchen, etc kltch oniforta 1VX for Sale, purchaser option lease comfortable Cot-1 uihb, rein.

Apply hssington, Keston-av, Mosmar TVAK Mavlfl Bedroom Suites. Sideboards. Wood Man. tels. chean to clear: no dealers.

16B SL jonn's-roaa, orest Loage. TROUBLE BED for Sale, Dk. Maple, roll-edge Wire, -X hanoK gooa as new, n.o. who, Owner, Box 1000, O.P.O. TOOKCA3E.

Enclosed Stationery Case required for J- otnee use, anout i v. i-articuiars to F. II. (L, Box 1418, Q.P.O. CARPETS, large W.

18 IB, fawn, 10 10, Hall Cnrnet. 27 fn 17ft: Casem*nt Curtains. 4 144 Bridge-road. 860 Drummoyne. TjVUR-ROOM Household Fum.

and Lffecta, poaitlve JL Bale. Appiy aiier i p. in. to-uay aua jaonuay, 10 Morria-strcet, nummer uiu. Brass Raued, and Kapoc Mnttrese, 4ft Oin 2ft Oin, equal to new (one of Lutona, O'Brien-street, CI ELL CHEAP, Sideboard, Wardrobe, Dining: Tahio.

mite laen. unairs. an Kauri, atamed wm. nut. Inspect iw snam, TTtftR RAIaE.

Contents Cottaire. almost new Furrii. X1 ture and suit newly married couple, ownes ICliVIIIg oyuuVI urugiiiii a us win vim, uiiniui TVOURLE Oak Bedrodm Suit, 13; Bed to match; uuk rviu, etc, oox utioman, CabUhet Orarao. 686 CONTENTS" prlv, home, fo1. oak din.

suite, table, kit. table, single bed, m.t. w'stand, toilet set. 87 Oreville-rt, CjpyC'lyi off Arden-t. CHESTERFIELD, 8-p Lounge Suite, beaut 14, sacriflco, cosh wanted.

101 Darloy-street, near station, St. Peters, ITTARDItOBE, 3 bev, mirrors, Combination Ped. Waihstiind. sacrifice. 1010 lot, or will seoarate.

14 Park-rond, St. Peters. MAPLE Dining Suites, 810, 010, 1010. Nownould's, 21fl Parramatta-rrl, Petersham, rAK Dlntnir Suites. fi10.

05. 7. bould'i, 218 Parramatta-rd, reiersnam. Dining Suited 6710, pl. order.

A Newbould's, 218 Parramattn-nl, Petersham. "pURNITURE of Flat, will Sell sep. Mignon Piano. m- riat ino near, uarnngnurst-ru. DINING TABLE, 6ft on castors) also Lawn Mower for Sale, rhonn.

Llnthotpe, Dudlcy-st, Bondl. MrtHREE-PCE, SUITE, leather; Sldeboanl, oak; TnbbT, -JiSl'1, Suite, chea. Kerwee, Church-st, Canthy. DAK Doiiblo Bedroom Suite, 0 bevel mirrors, new, offer, no dlrs. 82 Newland-st.

Wav. SALE, Cedar" Sideboard and Single Wardrobe, iTj'lbR SALE, Green LEATHER COliCII, oheapSsIT. Wyity, 9 Bayrtew-it, ArncUffa, PE0FESSI0NS, THADES, TYlUMCUTTINa, DKK8SMAK1NO, LUEbsgUTTINa, DKESSUAKING, LKA1IN THE BEST WAY IT'S CHEAPEST IN THE END. NO lasVdv Can Bff(ml ll uraatat tilna aUld jutTiucicni iirewmaKtntf lnatructWD. The AJffiOCIATKD i.

tfui Anl QUA RAN. TEED method oi tuition in Sydney. you can't succeed quickly and pleasantly by our instruction we awunu iuuk huney in rULJU. IDat uecauae the ASSOCIATED SYSTEM does not fall, and by enrolling for It you aaisure youraeU of absolute, brilliant nicceu. You will be able to nuke your own clothe witli true profeaalonal cut, fit, and flnhdi, at juat the coat of the materials, and to dreaa exqulmdy id we laieet i.onaon, ram, ana acw lorit siyie.

tiNTIIUSJAHTlU K.VIIII'.ni.K. KNTHUSIASTIC EVIDENCE. In my opinion the ASSOCIATED SYSTEM of teach-for DiimiiiiiI Ion faullliM. When 1 became a student I could no more cut a dreaa pattern than fly In the air. I alwaya had to cut it off another dress or a reedy-made pattern.

Rut now it does not mat rr what garment I deolre I can eaiily cut a pattern of It. Since I have Joined the "Great School" I have made a lot of clothes, and I do not think there Jfl any other method of teaching Dressmaking half eaT a the ASSOCIATED SYSTEM, and the ilcl*tcl*tful lid simple way in which everything tautrbt makes learning ao intercaling ana practical. "Mum u. Thornton. ASSOCIATED PROFtSIONAU COURSE.

AStiOCIATKD PROKl-SIONAL COURSE. If von dir tn If am DresKmiikiiiir aa a urofesdon you nhoolfl invcittfgiite the ASSOCIATED PROFESSIONAL You can accept orders for high-grade work while a student, and we will guarantee that no material will be spoiled, for you will cut ii out unuer tlie supervision of our expert leacnrra. Mitnv student mom than arn thn coat ot their iuiitnic- tlon in thin way whilbt leandng, and we have hun dreds of students successfully established aa Cos-tuinterca throughout AuGtralaaHa. Diploma granted lai griouaiPH. UAIJj Oil WRITK FOR rnr.K CAM, OR 1YIMTK FOR FREE PROaHECTUH.

Intending Students mtt srrol anv dav from Monday to Friday every week, and on Monday or Thursday erfninirs. mie scnooi win no cioseo on sionusy, Kfeht-Hour V.verv student receive Individual tuition. No clan instruction, and POSITIVELY NO CHARTS. Studcnta learn to cut by actual measurements only, Success guaranteed or money REFUNDED IN FUU Call, wTft, or telephone, City 8183, for a riar.r, copy or our zi-paite iTospecujB. AhhU(JMTKU Or JIltrwaiAnilsu, ASSOCIATED BCHOOI OF DRESSUAKINO, Canberra House, 205 Eltzabet-h-st, corner l.lverpool st, Sydney, Ana at Kewcasiie.

Mrh. linKford, 522 Oeorge-st. Frock irom zji. wit, tacK, rrom o. -rvRISSMAKlNO.

Ulllinerr Hchool. Jtv's. 128 Rtrand, XJ 2nd flr. Thor. tuft; IB, IS Is.

D.M., 21. "TkEI.UONT FASHION ACADEMY and DRESSMAKING XSCliOOIa offers the very latest American and French methods of PATTERN CUTTING, DIIESSMAKING, and llKHtf.NlNfi. fndlvLIual tuition, im charts or rulers. Success (rtiarantfled. Course of Lessons, 11.

Faper I'attcrns to ucaaure, im. 2nd floor, Airfitralla Hoiwe. 11)1 Livenwol-street. DR1.SSKS, equal I'arig models, made in few lessons, 2 one-hour lemon. Misses HART, 10 yrs.

exp, iart8. Uni KUtor. Lyceum House, 212 Pitt-tit. hrSRESSMAKING Exclutdve frocka, Wousea JL' made to onler. 1st 134 Pitt-st, near King-bt.

MT A mi hn.L no. Mncoiiaric-iit. snlcndid well for value oiitnt. Q4ifj, iierain. A Drrs Cut Out und Fitted Is halt made.

Alias, Desjardlns flats (rso. Ravtiwater-road. Kinc's Cross. D'hurst. Outs.

Fits, In- Mnirbi how to make Hats, Drosses, and Children's Wear DRKSSMAKINO.Ladlcs own material mode up. Race Frocks, maklnp, 21; Eveninjr Frocka, 21; Coat Costumed. 2.y. Mra. xiora-iit, im noor.

rREE SOHOLARSHlPa Tenable at STOTT and HOARE'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. EXAMINATION. October 28, at the College, PERSONS ELIGIBLE. Boys and Girls of 14 years of age and over. SUBJECTS OF EXAMINATION: English and Arith-luetic to Q.C.

standard. ENTRY VORMH. toarether with sneeimen nanera. nro. curable at College on application.

STOTT and HOARE'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. "Remington House," Liverpool-street, Hyde Park, SYDNEY. "CtEDERAL INSTITUTE OP ACCOUNTANTS. itwi.) APPLICATIONS are now being received, from CANDIDATES for MEMBERSHIP in this Institute. The in an aiates win De neia on Wednesday, 0th November, 1021, next, and on following days.

For convenience of country candidate nxAmlnntlnn, will be held in certain country centres of New South Wales. Application forms, particulars of subjects, and list oi noons reeommenuea. may ne ontaineu upon appli cation to the underslimed. Upon acceptance of their applications Candidates are entitled to use the Library of the Institute free ot" charge, Applications should be made not later than 3rd October, 1021. As the Institute has divisions In every State, and Fiji, members going to another State have their status recoguisea.

CECIL BRIERLEY. P.F.I.A. Secretary, New South Wales Division, Baking House, ciimhi imiiniiy oiituuii, jsyuney. TTAVE FOR A SUBURBAN MEDICAL PHAC- AJ- TICK. PARTICULARS TO .1.

CUSACK, co H' ELP US MAKE SWEETS. WE'LL PAY FROM 5 WEEKLY. The rush for Sweets all year round is phenomenal, und we ourselves cannot cope with the demmid. So we offer the Liberty. Swcetniukhig Course st a reasonable fee to induce readers to help us out of our difficulty.

There's from .5 weekly for you In this offer. Others make it you do the same aye, without tools, moulds, or machinery. You work at home in upare time and no matter how many Sweets vou ninke WE'LL BUY THEM ALL. EASY TERMS WILL BE ARRANGED. A postal Course enables coon-try Hmdents to complete the Liberty Swcctmak-iiiir Course just as quickly aa though they attended the lessons at our School.

They get a enso of goods sent post free to enable them to make start on the counie without any delay. Write or call to-day, as early as you can. LIBERTY CONFECTIONERY SCHOOL, Suite 8, Ground Floor, Linden-court, Cnstlerengh-Ftreet, near Market-street, SYDNEY; Head Office nnd Sbowrooms, Fiteroy-bu 11 dings, Adelaide-street, Brisbane, and Distributing Branches r.2 Queen-street and 391 George-street, BRISBANE. XTNITTINfl SCHOOL. XV.

On 4th October wc are under directions of an Expert Instructor. Purchasers vu. wauiuin Mre Miuynt iree, 1'urticulars, J. PIERRE COUVB. WJting.fetrcet.

LADIES' Hairworkers, Children's Hair BobbedrTO. Barton and Son, 021 Geonre-st. onn. iinnirn LADIES' HAIR ARTISTICALLY Dressed, 15: Hassan (face, scalp), Manicure, Shumpouing, Hairwork 'nouicy Pupil. AMERICAN HAIRDHESSING COL- uoofw JwarKeL-at.

rnone. 7X15. for Daintv Recipes, a0 each (posted Olasges, Tues. and nt 2.30. Demonstrationri Wed! LXbY WORKERS wanted, take up easv, dalntvTproflt-.

BDl5. Employment. Full Instruction sup- una. jfistance no Hindrance. Send for booklet giving details our offer.

TORCHON LACE Tza lonniB-strect. Melbourne. LADIES TOILET WORK. Face, Scalp, and BotSFMos-sage, Hairdrefslng, Dyeing, Marcel Wave, also Hair Work. Special Fctlure Electrolysis.

Pupils absolutely prepared for Position or to titurt business. Moderate Fees. OrMRrnto nrnniimnnu ii ni.iiii uni--iiL-unua. uo iiuncer-st, findings is keepings, ns'the boy says, we i.uw i.iHuj- ui run wuu.a sicp over anu neglect a gold brick on the pnth in George-street. Not manv.

We think. Rllt nil who. nnvlnnt 4n flr.11 and view the home industry on show in our' offices misses more than a gold brick. A. CROAKER and DAUGHTERS, Station House, 700 MEDICAL.

LUc*ms supplied. Practices Trans. pi.UMMER and JEFFERSON. B.M.A.-hldgs.. Syd, TITEDICAL.

Locunis supplied, Prac. trans. Barr, ai-'A. nrown, P.M. A.

-building. Sydney MASSAGE. Nurse Constalile filharpe, GcnerolTfaB, Rheumatism. Neuritis, etc. 413 RawFon.plmmhprH.

MASSAGE. Private cases taken, -hand massage and electrical treatment. 87411. Herald. MADAME Blanche, Massciwe, 107 Glenmore rd, Vaifc dington, receive or visits, 11 to 7.

Pndd. 2fio ITEDICXl. Loc*ms, Assistants, red. Martin, Surg. Inst, DeDot.

01 Phfllin-nt. TI.TEDICAL. uxmms, Assistants suppllcii. Practices transterred. llacknniiM.

qoviler, 3.1 MEDICAL. PRACTICE lor Sale: Locuma, etc. Mr. Miles, Surgical Elliott o'Connell-at me4 recom.Nnrse Carter, 10 Weatmoreland-st, P6restL. Appta.

made. MEDICAL PRACTICES frnnsferredr'LocirnniP'ASls-titnta, also ii'rTlcal Instniments supplied. RICH ARD THOMSON and 15 Costlercand-street. MILLINER and DRESSMAKING SCHOOL illl Slriuid, 2nd floor.Mra. EDGAR SWAV a.on.i.

niirriB bui-i-wwui J. Itj, ei aHHI. MOTOR CYCLISTS. Young Man anxious learn t.i ride, would like to hear from person willing to Uach. Terms nnd pais, to B.B., Leichhilrdt P.O.


B. WORTH, Messeur. Seavlew, Upper fiplt-rofld, Mosman. Y1770. uy iiHM.

nai Macquane-atrcet. Mn.LfNERY. Learn qulokly, ttioroualily, bv the ASSOCIATED SYSTEM. Newest styles. owe.i fees.

Personal instruction. Success guaranteed. Day and Evening. Aak for prospectus, ASSOCIATED gull. D'MAKIWH.

ijannerra mvT Eliaatieth-at. MADAME PATTIE. SclentlBe, Plastic, and Electrical Body and Kace Masseuse. Wrlnkla, Double China, red, Ilka raaalfi. AfiO tric.1 Body Mass.

re, Madam. Ireata, berMlf, fori Neuritis, etc, B. N. Oaora, and vratin tumm FUEHITUEB, ETC. in no 1 at Boumiuou) rnBMiTutt, MIOES BEobcED BY CENT.

IM BEDROOM BUITE3, Iran CUIO. 100 SDKBOABDB, from 6. 100 BK1I3TEADB, from 6a, 100 DININO-nOOM SUITES, from 610, HUGE STOCKS OT CiBI'ETS, UNOS-, KUQS, h'EAORaSS aUTi, II of bizhest Quality, at bidiouu)U3 rinaa. L0UGHB0T8, from CO10, AUO IMMKNSE STrOOIC In our BArltMKNTS of rmSTCLASS S.I1. KlIRNITUBst, AT HALF KICKS.

(0 ODD WARDROBES, from 510. ILL GOODS GUARANTEED IN ORDER. la fl II1SD and Uiuabetb-street. next Hark Koy's, Limitad, and Basetnenta, Also 1. B.

0, Clarke-strait. YR ARB OUTTINO TTIE PRICES, fAIB DINKUM, "In 0l Maple or Oalt Bedroom Snitea, Mt ln tunc, a lanre mt waaostanil, marble top, double row tiles, fitted boot cupboard. Old Price 28111- t-piace Loose-seat Oak Wnlng-room Bulta, Old Price 12, New Price 810. Class Drersera Old Prieo 5, Near Prloa aU- jXljiQ vm i-rico riew ince OUR WAnnnW IT. Vni-n JTEANS THAT THE TORMTUnE BEING DELIVERED PLKCHASKD AT FACTO It PRICES, AND PAID (OR.


Elliott, Lnirren. HIOHJI.AfB FlfllNITIJHK MAMIFAOTUBEBS, FACTORY AND SIIOHHOOVS, CltfSCENT, ANNAJiDAI.H. Free Delivery wilhin 20 miles. Batmaln and Birchgrovo Trams only to door. Second Stop from Tram Depot.

2d from Station. 'Phones, 1727, 1726. Chest, Comer Wurdrohc, itt Galvaniocd reirrtsnairi. DO JIILE IlKDSTKAD. Wire Mattrcsa, Cot, iti, II awarra rd.

Marrl. -Ic villi. AlAl Lli uisimoOM bed match, iacriflce iirap. 4 nopeioun-fii, t' Miam, rear Town Hal1 T3RODRIBB, Auctioneer, Valuator, M- Prompt huyer Pinnoa, Furniiure, etc. Mako to oiuer or excliange your own design.

20 per cent. neiow cAWiojfue. fto mm coata. Auctions Friday. hciio to tnc Hoomn.

write, call, or ring if you want nuick buyers or seller. Trains to door, Factory and wr. opp, university, near Broadway. For best prices j-et our's list. Personal valuations.

TH Ked. 6S3. Write, call, or ring for immediate inspection. V'225, before 9, or eveninr. Mosman and N.S.

E. Walker, 2 Brady-st, Spit WANTED, Flat Office Table, 2 Chairs, altto few large Plain Tahle3, and number of Factory Stools, all 3.u. wuuju luu. iuuBAa una 108 ParRimatU-roid. TTOUSE OF CLEAN" FURNITUItE WANTKDATi -fcA ortiK.

casn otiver. Also IANO, No dealer. U.S., 1 Victoria-rd, 'Woollahra. Wa verier 1041 WE are Cash Buyers of I-hiniiture to any amount. Get our prices; Car will call.

S. SIUItPIIY and CO- AuctmncerK. 410-112 Kincr-st. N'town. 1.2361.

ATEWTO.WN Furnishing wants to buv Furniture, in any quantity, for Bpot cash. Highest uvea uncii. oaa Ltlzw. GENT, wants Houseful or Surplus no deal-crs. T.H..

Chullora Flats, Ash field. U2471. FUH ITU HE Bought, any quantity, fair deal, spot cash. Ncwbould'g, 218 Parramatta-rd, Petersham. rlat or House FURNITURE, 4 A.E.T., 21 Randwick.

or 5 rooms. WANTED, House Furniture, in exchange good single-seater Car. Cook-rd, Centennial Park. "ITOUSE OF FURNITURE or Surplus Lots, also Pianos wanted, casn, any aistnct. Hox '4as, C.P.O.

BEAUTIFUL French Enamel Cot, sell cheap, or Exchange Swing Cot, 59 Lelchhurdt-st, Waverley. BLACK "Brass Bcdittead. Table, Aeolian Vocation, 84 Records. Fontainebiean-Bt, Sandringham 8tore. ROI.L-TOP DESli, double pedestal, new.

Clavcrton, 1 Brierly-Kt, Mosman. 'Phone, Y1656. CHEAP Furniture, must be Sold. NelKon-sL Annandale. No dealers.

S3 (For continuation see Index to Advertisem*nts.) PROFESSIONS. TRADES. ETC. tTwo lines (about 14 words). Saturdays.

ll A GENTLE DENTIST. DENTIST PHILLIP MOSE3, Orchard's Coraer. opp. Railway. No pain.

A i TEETH, from 1 guinea. London Dental oumeniCT riouae, martin -place. A CCOIJNTANCY. The most Consistently successful coaching Institution in Sydney. "Coach, J.

A. METROPOLITAN BUSINESS COL- lluk, Limited. Join any time. 333 Pitt-street. Postal Or DPhlnna lDnna ufljF ur evening.

Asthma, Arthritis, Neuritis. Parnlvrfi. Sciatica, Ptft. traatarl 1 ni Baths, loniaution.

Massage, etc A. Schuch, 12 Oxford-st A WEa.SET.IIASS0B 19 a indeed. We know just the kmd of edge to give. We are expert CRAIG and AITKEN, CJ4 Gcorge-strcet ARCHITECTURAL AND MECHANIOAL DRAWING. ap.preniic(, iniprovcrs in the Building or Engineering trades should spend some of their Sparc time learning to draw plant and how to make esti-ma cs or computations.

Write to us and arte for uur (jrucurai roureea of instruction in mP.5"7VT fr10 tech. wvuu, ui ojuney. FULL Upper IaOU(r SM flf ItHAIllWllI. TUPTII on an unlu-Aakahln nlm i Vni0r 011 them, they will not break), for 7 anu we WIU k1vo yu demonstration, which nlaccs vou under no nhMrrailon I liav a special staff for quick service. Your plate iiiui in iew nours ii reqmrcu.

I have a special tenn svlem for Railway and Trumwav and all other Government Employees. Write or call iwr (ruruciiiara. ah worn is guaranteed ABSOLUTELY SPILLER'S NATIONAL DKNTISTRV. T.lVFnpnnr HOUSE, corner LIVEItPOOL and CASTLHREAGH STS (over PauH's), entrance 257Castlereagh-streeL CHING TRETn. DENTIST PHlXLlpMOSES will 6top them without pain.

All the qualities that you expect in good Dentistry you will find in my methods. Gentle, careful, enduring work, skilful treatment, and entire absence of pain whether in Fillings or Extractions. I em fortunate in the posnession of an apparatus for the painless drilling and filling of sensitive teeth. I guarantee absolutely painless extractions, and will uiieenuiiy nana you 11 you reel me least nun, And you need fear no painful pricking, swollen gums, or broken teeth. bv mv method.

Tlie written guarantee I give with Fillings, Plate and Bridge Work is for 5 years. If nny rare fault develops I repair it free of charge. TEETH SAVED 8V X-RAY PHOTOS. Science has made it possible to sec hidden root troubles by means of a Wonderful X-Ray Apparatus. All Operators Fully Qualified Dental Surgeons.

Terms arranged. It's easy to pay me juobcb way. Open till i p.m. Dally (Sati. Included).

Until p.m. Frldayn. DENTIST PHILLIP MORES "Does it Rest," Orchard's Corner, George-street, opposite Railway, ART AND COMMERCIAL ART SCHOOL a--- jtowe-sireet vncar u.r.u.;. NEW TERM, "4 th OCT. For prosp.

apply A RT. Silk hand-nalnted IHectrto Light and Gas fX. Shades, beautiful designs and anu colourings. Call. A QUALIFIED ACCOUNTANT.

Everv man enmcred In office work can Qualify for his Degree as an Accountant for a minimum expenditure in time and money by devoting a few spare hours weekly to Home Study under our guidance. IT PAYS TO QUALIFY. Don't hesitate. Write now or call for a free copy of our publication. "ACCOUNTANCY." HEMINGWAY "and" ROBERTSON, HEMINGWAY and ROBKItTSON, HEMINGWAY and ROBERTSON, The Accountancy Specialists, martin-piace, syuney.

ACCOUNTANCY nOMliiTfr (KStan tsned ltws.i Individual Instruction in Modern Accountancy, either personally or through the post. Special Finishing Classes are held prior to the examinations, at which the latent papers are ex-haustively dealt with by the Principals of the -College. Periodical Lectures are given at regular inter, vals by Experts on Legal and Accountancy subjects. SEND FOR OUR ACCOUNTANCY MANUAL. It contains fund of valuable Information to every office man; It explains our methods In de tall, and clearly demonstrates the bepeflts to bo derived from a sound training in Accountancy, A copy will be mailed to you FREE upon request, THE AUSTRALIAN ACCOUNTANCY COLLEGE, Instructors (n Modern Accountancy, WALTHAM BUILDINGS, 24 novn.rrnKi.'T rvfivuv.

and at 20 BOLTON -ST fl EET, NEWCASTLE. Pcwmial Tuition; modef-nte fPM. Newton BuMnpss CoHuoro. mi Pmc? work In ShoHhaid, i Ynewri'iR, and Bookkeeping. Miss M.

M. Swamj Record-rbandinnt. It,.?.. owumi, TOOK KEEPING, BOOKKEEPING P. BENDER, Accountant, Teacher of' BOOKKEEPING mi hit: uhhi uuciii riinnc inniniciinn tor Jfi years.

REMUNEHATIVE POSITIONS held by his Stmlents ii nunter-streei, near MacorHtreet. DRESSES. Frocks, Evening Gowns, Embroidery! v. vaiim, iMMcuimn nan, jj jiurBi, TaELMONT FASHION ACADEMY XJ and DRESSMAKING SCHOOL offers the Istest rtinencun mm rrnon iMoan oi uiU7nJ) imu. MaKllig, and Designing.

DO NOT WAIT ANOTHER DAY with-out full particulars of our simple and Dleflslntr monev. saving snd money-making methods. Absolutely no charts or rulers. Course of lessons 11. Paper pat-terns to measure, 13, Mile, pelmont, Aust L' pool it ENO ink Coached Novcm.

all atu-dents giiar. sucosw. Weeks, 130 Bhlay-at, Wsveriey. ALKOTRIO BATHS, Vassafff, for Rheumatism. Xy SHatipi.

Neuritis. V. BTKI.KOV, T. and Q. Build' inf.

EJiaUbethHtmt, 7tM City, UfiFD CASIERAH. Vast Ptxket Autographic Kodaka, fftiflc leu, DffW prit-e uew, 276. NOW Xft. SA docket 1'ivino C. R.U.

Lam. 'air ordtr. 41.. NOW 40. No.

.1 Ikix Uifwule Cumerai. A new, Sew price, illfi d. K(iW IDA o. 1A KoldliiK Pocket Kodak, R.R. Leni, and Balt-licurintc m.uttf-r.

Cowl ju new. New. price NOW 110. No. Koldinc I'ocket Kodak.

R.R. Leni and Leather Case. Old model, In good order, 2lit. i-p. WaUon F.wal Plane Chimera.

Ffl l.en Urttikenzie Wistiart Slfle and 7 Knvelopet, 2 n.U. King) txtenalon Metal Tripod, I Kocuaviiig Clotli, and Leather Caae. All in good! order. NOW 1B. i No.

UA Autouraphie Kodak, R.R. Lena, Ball bearing! sniiiter, aliiiott new. New. plica 7116. NOW Lh Vuvnto Folding Plate Camera, Iteck

lni anu i I'lftt lioificr. shop lolled only. New, price 2l-V. NOW 86. VSKJJ APPARATUS DKPT.


Apply TVTITTniO MACHINES. IV latest Models, 11, FLAT end OICDUIt, hand or power. Factories equipped. Fall Hosiery riant, Flat, 20in and 241n, arriving monthly. Demonstrations daile.

"WOTAN" OHlftnal Oegatsf xACitiNrs work ana heavy material witn Deauu. il, exclusive continental stltcn. See them in nperatlon in our Showroom. See adr, under "Professions" beadlnc. J.

PfERTU? OOUVB, 60 Kiruj-errtet, Sydney. pAINTERS. PAINTE BARNES, lOJOGlTTB RAW OIU IS 4-fal. Mn. BLUNDELL and SPENCE'8 RAW On 1170 dr 8-irall.


UEl-'LEJt, i. 7.. in Tevuie 4 .1 Lens, 3 Slides, Itoll Holder, and Case. GRAKLEX, i-pliite, no lens, MHca.irie Polte holder.

un.iri.r.A iij a -j, tvoolcnsak, 4u Lens, and Roll Holder. SIBYL. Nc-A-nnn and Guiirdin. o.lln t-'llm Cm. cm, Cooke Aviar Lens, depth of focus scale; latest JOHNSON, SPECIALIST IN REPAIR WORK, 110 THE STRAND.

BOOK YOUR ORDER NOW for the NEW PORTABLE. The Machine with the keyboard. Iti a world-beater. I ho most up-to-date and compact of ill writing Call and inspect. DEMONSTRATIONS DAILY.

STOTT and HO A RE, LIMITED, Solo Agents, 86 Pitt-street," near u.r.u. REMINGTON TO. II AY Would Ininrnvit vrinr Enollintr onrl l.ln No. 7 REMINGTONS 6 per week, VISIBLE REMINGTONS 7fl per week. STOTT and IIOAKE, 80 Pitt-street, fCIASIiMOKli Hammerlcss O.B.

B.L., 12-pauge Gun, j-iiir LfurreiN, oaiu unit koiiu leainer pae, J54i; Parker Hummcrlesa Ejector Plceon Guti, 1710; ao-cal. Wintliehtor Repenting Ititlc, with hiienuer, hkj curtrufges, and reloading tools, UJOSIL. ROHU, Gunsmith, 110 Bathurst-street. CI ASH KEGISTE1LS. New or Second-hand.

Cash or Ea.y Tcnns. From 5 Weekly. CASH HKCISTkftK. (mm (. CLAPHAf and Freeiiian's-chambers, yi8 George-at, im iioora irom iiunier-sLrect Uowardgu.l'.u.).

TENTS." TARPAULIN'S, Hone and Cow RUGS, Water Biies, Verandah Blinds made to order. t0 atoeK iiiranivre's Uioth lor motor uooas. Huy irect from tlie maker, and save the inid'Heman's prom. ju.m;s, iaanmaKer, li7 MarKet-street, city, 'Phone, City 17a0. FOR SALE, BENCH of 16 Machines, also 7M Automatic Buttonhole.

HemstitrhnrH. nnd Ilitrh. tpewl Madiines; abo a number of Long Arm Miichines, Apply J. II. ENGLISH, 3rd floor, 702 George-street, IIAYMARKET.

T'tYPE WRITERS (all makes.) Repaired, Overhauled, or Itebuflt by Expert Mechanics, in tlie largest and most up-to-date Tyiewriter Factory in the Common-Mealth, Relief machines supplied during rtpaira. Write (: 'phoiit? City S2t (4 line) for quotations, atott ami Honre, Limited, bp l'i tt-hlreet, Sydney, near G.P.O. "f.OU SALE. Maitniticent 8dav BRONZE CLOCK, with 2 Bronze Figures, size 21 24 inches; will gunraiite.e in llrot -class order; originally cost 27. Will take 10.

W. J. COOTE, 058 (ieorgc-stroct. 1JLYWOOD. Genuuie Russian Veneer Oak, all sizes, nound, 45 IM) square ft, or 4if 1000 square feet; X'lywoou, iu aiieets naic, square leet, bale.

ISAACS, Taylor-Jit, off Flinders-si, uaningnurpt. VrERANDAH BLINDS. Have your Verandah fitted with "Aberdeen" Reg. llliiid, this summer. Made rroin uuck, canvas, or riinoy striped ncKing, com-Plete.

readv for erection. Prices, from 19 to 111- so. ft. Smith, Copcland, and 3a Jrtegent-st Redf. 494 Kit AMBULATORS, Pushcarts, Scagrass Chairs, at etc.

ituy rrom uio inaKer una save monoy. a. M. URQUHART, lt2 King-street, Newtown, near Mis-Ncndcn-road. Wncrc tlie Uood l'rama arplade.

cover for Dinimr Table, comoletc Balls. Cues. Rest. aianicr, quite new. r.Ani, Astoria Flats, N.

Sydney. ASSES. QIJEENSliA "PLA UUaLiTY. jM. Lowest prifes, inurtediate delivery, 40(ral.

caeks, 8 Kill, cases, Tib an-i zn ims. ciiy uuituun, KI(AMX). ami aaJA rnVPlTwit ITERS. Saorifice Prices. Iluce Stocka.

All makes g'leed. From 3. New "Fox" Port ables, window. TYPEWRITING TRADING 21 IaIO.STER Circular Hosiery Knitting Macbine, 84-. needle, complete with Id large tiHK)Li, solid Iron stand, snapes, large winder, wool, ppripct con dition, 2210.

12Mucpiierson-Ht, KogJCarllon). Tk.Tlf:E"l.iirht"lIAND TRUCK, nearlv new. Price" 4 -11 rlieap. Apply u83 George-street, opp. A.

Hordcrn A URICULTURAL Show Htanrl Building, in brick x- and wood, for SALE. Full particulars aud price from No. 440j, Herald Office. "TtiW DOWEL MACHINE, Bull Bearings, Auto. Feed i and Druwing-out Rollers, price 1WJ tor quid; GODS, llcruld.

Fullv g'teed Typewriters, all makes, at considerably reduced prices. 1 1 rices. G. Conper and StateGovt. 15 llunter-htroet.

"fOR SALE. Gent's BlHck Frock COAT, Silk Lining, J- and Facings, iiin client meauscmciit. nnat oi- lersr bi cary-si reec, uruin oyne. L. NAVY CREPE DE CHINE, Georgette Frock, hand slight figure, new, cost 6, sell hbj.

iv lunns-sireei, uay itono. 1 AS STOVE, Wright's Eureka, good as new, worth vj 23, must sell. aiso some uonai currying AWN MOWERS. Green's. lOlii.

Silens Messor. with A-J iron roller attuched, latest model, Green Nev Century. Macquarie, Brighton, and Arthur Bts, Croydon. MaVCIIINE. flat.

18 n. 7 needles to inch. IV perfect order. 40. KEATS.

1st floor. Pratten- uuuoings, jatnieson-sireet, cuy. AWN MOWERS, all makes, very best order, from 1, JLJ anv time. 2 uarnaie-st, ieicnnarut. rnmie, isi 1'ct.

Snnrircntng, nepairmg (lone; collected, delivered. mOYS FROM ENGLAND. Jood assortment, suitable Amas anu uenerai iraae, inspect. J. PIERRE COUVB, 00 King-street.

WEIGHING Machines, 2 to 22 cwt, 3001b Steelyards, Scales to suit all trades, Repairs, Excliange. W. KUirKKiii Hii. opp. weiKiits, Measures Hay-st.

BATHS, gen. pure White Porcelain Enamel, nickel fittings, sound, Sinks, pure Enamel, 1 mi-ii. iiUfluo, ou anoere-st, num. ICE CHEST, sup. article, well packed, perfectly lined, Eolid tin pipe, and double buck, 75.

80 MOWER, Philadelphia, perf. order, half. WAftt i ajuiuur, n.n.. ueiiH, oj aj: also a V.P. Kodak for Sale.

i ch 17 "ITIOUR Hundred and Ten Shotgun, choke barrel, practically new, cheap. JS4 Henson-st. Summer H. HAND CARTS, suitable for any business, cheap. W.

Dwyer, 144 Klng-st, Newtown. fTlENTS. Bell Tents and Marquees for Sale, cheap. 52 AiDion-Bi, city, near nauway otanon. TCE'OtH-STS from Eureka.

fftIO: Oak B. Suite, 1310. Roma, Arden-st, Waverley, tr. 1AM ERAS, 3A Folding Film, 2 1-plate Folding, R.R. lens, 3 lot, new cond.

41 llerhert-st, Rockdale. QTEEL Guitar, beautiful instrument. No. 1 Thurso Mats, uoeron-si, oogeo, near oeacn-si. fTIENUINE Prisma ElghU Binoculars, leather case, VJ( Kn.

SflO tmornrsi, wonni junction. GERMAN Officer's FrELDULASSES, 7, very powerful, for races. Zeiss, Waverley V.O, "pOOHS for Garage, four pieces, folding, 12 8, cheap. Ascaion, victona-ro, penevue niu enoj. VEW JIG SAW, Iron table, 20, 32 Uorwlck st.

vi st Strathtleld. JEWING MACHINE, new, White, no further use, half 3 m-lce. OOS Wah. ALV. about 12 40.

for Sale, cheap. E. Cornwoll, Iniie Cove-rd, Pytnbio. 008 Wah, PRETTY SETTEE, 2 Chnirs, and Cushions, 10G Arthur-it, Surry Hills. 27fl.

TB. Ilammerlefts, Ejector, Cogswell, Ilarrlson. 26: M.J also Zelas (Jim Gurlo Shop. 19 Pitt-st, Q. C1AMERA, Fold; Kltto, base, Tripod, Printing, Outfit, etc.

10 McDonald-st, Ramsgate. FOR SALE, Chflflcutter, good order, pair of good Blades; A. K. Faux, Orcliard-st, Thornlclgli. riMVO Window Sashea and Frames, Oft fTln 2ft Oln over all.

Fa I ryiewDtujk MisHmljL-l1 1 mYPKWRlTKR, Remington No. 10, late model, perfect -L onier, iu. Ketron, nose uay. F7141. C4I SINGER SEWlNfl" MACHINE, little used, good order.

lO Mian Dixon, 113 Vfctorla-st, Darllnshurst, SALE, OVERI)CKER SINGER, nearly new, per IX1 feet onler. 17 Gordon-si. Mosman. Smalu -i iittnu.jr, ircisaw attaenment, 4 or offer. 4 Hemr-avenue.

UIMmo. I.ub saijk, ihasi, nearly new. 3, coat It. Stokes, 120 Vletorla-at. Darllnghurst.

I BTJNTINO Stop Watch, perfect order, sncrWec. Own-- er deceased. Clalrvaux. Carllgle-st. Bond Wav.

867 BEES. itfvea of Bees, frame hives, for sale, Lilene. Moxon-rd. Punchbowl. "VrEW hom*o ppwing Machine, In good worrrlng no rcas.

offer refuted. 141 Dentaonst, Waverlw. CJOIMtANu riaxe lO iMiienw, view Uwratio Ttiru. Box 1150. BOOKKEKP1NG, subjeoii.

tin weekly. Call Rawson-cliaiobcni, Pilt-tt, opp. Railway S' TOTT HOARE'S POPULAR POSTAL TUITION, KW COURSES, Including Civil, and Shfcsi Engineering Arch i lecture Shorthand rMiewrllint Bookkeeping Accountancy AitEiigluh Subject! Science Ituildlng i Mechanical Dynamo and Motor Maitagcinent Gas and OU Engine Driving Engine Driving mi languages DretUt'itling Dreasmakina' Kleotrical Ingtneering Boiler Management Commercial und Illustrative Art. A postcard brings you our Booklet "Home Study anu ot-ucuuie oi cen. AN ACCOUNTANCY COURS1 oats JT17, and fnrludes Intenuedlaie and Final wttb Auditing and Comincrcial Law.

Au a com-iiiercUi proposition this should appeal to you, bend for our free booklet. "ALL ABOUT ACCOUNTA NOT." STOTT AND HOARE'S BUSINESS COLLECH, "Remington Bouse," Liverpool -stmt (facing Hyde Park), SYDNEY, gtiintER GOWNS OP TASTE AND CHARM, minrorbw the inrtirimtt- mt w. vuLiiioH oi uig most moderate means, one the PROFESSIONAL METHOD Of DRESSMAKING has been mastered. It is Hie nine svitem aa IS At Xvfu-l lh0 worl'l'g dressmakers, in w'Vph lon sludcntt arc i-ompelent to com-inenca making their own frocks. Enrol at once.

"OARES BUSINESS COLLEGE, Remington House," LI verrtool -street (facing Hyde Park), SYDNEY. THIi witt ti vkH tiiiidisirtsa hlorulion. Scliool inir. dHi-uIa wl V1U siiocest. is prepared to mako olont Meiisuro Suits per week.

Apply J. O. SMITH, G.P.O., Syd- Operator rcccvcs PupiTs. Buz- WHY NOT AIKPT TlfF. PROFESSION OF TOWN Olt SIllltE CLERK 1 rw? fnr of Town and Shire Klerks by orrespundence, or by CIuks Tuition.

The T'rl xow time lo enrol. hvcry student Micccssful at the lunt ex- ZZtlTM 'iVai lcJ w- 'or Prospectus giving full partiiulaM ns i positions, fees, clc Prlnrlpal, LOCAL GOVERNMENT COACirtNfJ COLLEGE. 12 U'Cfiiiiicll-slrcpt. Svdnev. NOT ADOPT TOWH course begin, th.

day you NOW Is too "time to GREAT SUCCESS. GREAT SUCCESS. Certlflcatw warded ill the ahnvn n.H,.. .1 l2 "Wf The rc.ull. of th.

Exam, held in May, 19a, are now to hand" SEVEN students were successful, ALL of whom were coached IS. O. BLUETT. Principal. LOCAL GOVERNMENT COACIIINO COLLEGI 13 O'Oonnell-street, Sydney.

POSITIONS WANTED. A S'? audit, write un books. Herald oraS A Cl-OLN TA Vl' miuircs Bookkeeping Wo'rkTpreier-- "'y unilertkii. 654i. Illd nfriiid work: B.1!;" tradesman's books "gg jiigwcekly.

No. 177. Ileruld Office. vV.B 'ork, commMSTbasU, or crete sneeiall, b. reinforced con.

crew speciality can refer leading Sydnev emrinpir JMr-iS; ES Assistant, desires Position, city,rfsMrtar.10 Park-rd, Cent. Pits. QHAUrFfcUH, Mechanic, Scotch, 'scTim' prlva references, disengaged mliINh-uiiii'Gii Position, ocrtlf. steam snd Position as driver, available uTter 7n iur mnl iwndje-r0f houre. Wig, HmM Iur LvPKItlENCKI Tjpiste und Shorthiind Writer, mnnv Kreiiccs, Position eolidtor's office, corrcsn or twlvetit i rU p-VUM MANAGER, thor.

cxper. SUid Stock. Caltlt r. "luSl'8. Knailnge, Furm Cropn, OrH.anl ei.

work. Higli cred. Married. Total abst. Manon Urgent.

Farm Ynralla. alwluiiirr, delrea Von. anywliere, SecrclarhflV Work. SUll CIlt ailinilltTPa.

m.m rir.Nl N. CUTTKR open VJ for hngngcniciit, design und draft own patterns, 10 experience divisional workroom ejUem, px'p, ainartnppcar. 7.148, Herald. Url.vfr wontlW work, overluiul TTOUSh Liind, tistato Agent, Buccessrully manVcea J-X own buBincu 7 ycara, open tot cngagci-ient. State salary to SALESMAN, UOXJUJ, TTOsriTAL NUKSii would bike cliargc of kn-iTlidT WUh UKhi a0US tRONMOULDKltTffoofl, Scotch nnd Colonial any I 1L'i uesires rosuion, urivtnor tar, ctry, KOAIj.

Tliorutnrhtv exit, itrni shnrtTii.V.rf.Wn'itti -J desires Kninurement. tenal firm. rnf. (Id 14. ifnmtfl.

AUY, with many years' oflice experience, correMion- riec, Bimplc bookkeeping, office routine, dee iree responsible or confidential position, thoroughly reliable. personal references. dblO, Herald. MOTOR LORRY, 4 tfins, wnnts Work, city or ooun- tfi Apply Motor, 15 Crown-st, city. MAI.K NUUSK and MASSKUK wants I'osltiom ffTSfl.

IleriiM, 1 MOTOR Driver seeks Situation, fi years' all running repair. Herald. POSITION. Colliery Cltrk, 7 ycara' experience lend- Insr isewciihtlc milieu. 40C.Ilernld.

PRINTER (Practical) seeks change and charjre. manage nr assist any duties, town or mgn IJHAtn'KJAl, Fanner (Wheat)" requires POSmONTwftiT view to taking on sliaro fannltig, Prot. Draf. T. S.

FAHMKn, O.P.O. 1JAHHNT wishes Apprentice Lad, 16, Just leaving schrml, Klecliionl or Civil Kuginecrlnff, has Quali-u, fying nnd Junior Technical cert If. Parent, Mascot P.O. REF1NKD Lady would like Position in doctor! or dcnti-itV nioms. M.M..

Marrickvllle P.OI RKFINFD Pro. Nurse, nriv. MIbh Jeunls, Waverley P.O. ler, nccuiintant, desiren energetic. RETURNKD Officer, 26, married, competent Boole -1 keeper, sound knowledge shipping, typist, good reffl.

5087, llenild. RKAL KSTATE. Manager, young, energetic, 14 -cerlence city flrni, requires good position, re -liable firm. Can intrmlucc business, best of reference. interview desired.

jiTjO. llenild. RETURNED SOLDIER would like Confidential tion in Mixed or other Business, view to gaining thor. knowl, of bus. management, salary nominal, good clerical or correxp.

hand, 3 years' exp. In gen. store, excellent guarantee of good faith, single, age 29. Apply letter, L. MATHKW, P.O., Manly.

RETURNED SOLDIER "would" like ConndentlaTPc In Mixed or other Business, view to gaining thor. knowledge of Inisinesa management, salary nominal good clerical or correspondence hand, 8 exp. la general store, excel.1 guarantee of good faith, -single, aged 20. By letter, L. Mathew, P.O., Mauly.

3 Tltorilt A II It seeks Permanent Position, capable 'correspond, tlmro.igh knowledge mall order and secretarial flutter. Eng. education, 8 Melbourne Ktiwi rem, miss i. m. amuii.

167 tJOllins-st, Melt). SOPRANO, versatile n-uch experience, just returned' Join company going same. 401, Herald. rflllfOR, English College, all iporta, expert motorist, m-wirra i naiuHii, i-iiu cupucuy 11 poss. 4oa, Herald.

rpALENTEl) PianUt, good eight-reader, desires Poll. tion, IMrlures or Dancing Class. 6515, Herald. TOILET WORK. -A thoroughly qualified In nil branches, best credentials, seeks POSITION.

Apply Toilet, 141A Oastlerengh-streetsclty. TRAVELLER. Firet-olasi Leather "and" Boot Travel, ler will be open for Engagement on and after 1 7th September. Well-known throughout New South Wales. X.

Commercial Trav, Club. Sydney. TJIAVELLER, owning car, with spare time, at set ykoothcr traveller or lius. man, filOS, Ilcrald, TfiO WARKIIOUHKMijy and HAUFACTUiTKRS'. J.

('onmierelnl Man. smart, energetic, well nnd gnoi appearance, win has held nisponstble positions in SdnV. being Well knoWll. In onpn fur o-ntrnirniiiMnt City snif Suburunn Outdoor Representative. All coin iminirniioiiH roiiuncnuii.

iieraia. Wlh()W and smart -oung Daughter In buslnesa would like ninimgcment or care of Flats, eto. Letter la-. Mrs. TAYLOR, Haymirket P.O.

PnsfHon, willing io get own turnout, to 11 iiiiywhem tn suit the position. Applr A. STOKKH. 11 Dnrllng-slrpct, (Hebe, WANTED, Position nn engine-driver, gd, knowledge -nf'e nnd Herculn nminonlft completion. An ply R.

HOLLMAN, Mcnilooran. VSANTED Contract, cnrtlng "for til ton MotorXol SBC" Willi IlllVSr. NYIIKV MflTIIII IJIIIIIIKa. j'rKer-Rireei, unymarKei. YOUTiT, Suiliy Ttiniont, suit traveller, wan plnyment.

st. near rniCKET course by exiwrtTlnoder: He. fee. Newton Bus. tMlli.ire 9aa 1 Wt)liii ECUTED.

fH) words Mlllanl, 079. r.tll awson.rlil. Htiaruv taic or Tra TUB MEW OOKBPSPOWDIUiOB tWallNU'lON. lpewritet Construerlon, alarvellous improvements. Buperb Touch.

"UUII.T FOR TDK TVP1ST." Be wire and see It. DeinonstraUooj dailj. 8TOTT ud IIOARE, LnilTKD, bole Ajreuts, ritMtltet, Near O.P.O. BYTO.BT, ARQAfN'S In AIJfUIMtt'U nnn tine i 7Jm.J,70 euch' reuil SHOP PKlOESitfAUCK. et oI.3; 6 qwify.

Kngliab, Kl; otlicr mls, 220, iW(f. Our fuaianUc. BatWaclion, or your money returned. BROAD Y'S BARGAINS, 111 Floor ii. L.

Opp. By. Bull and York' and Clarence it. A 1UT-PRICE STORES, 732A Haniast, off c.ty. tire Saiiage.

tire iialvaae. NalU, 4d, all Mist brrewa. Irom Knuiufi Hifu-inana irv JO grobs tscnilw, 3: ki.Uut, bcbt, ii.Tgioia; I'ic Dialler Cake 'liw, Fry. Pans, llanmiers. riheednir.

win. Ira yard: Lu no. Hdin lines. Come and fcccure wbile Lbey are here. NOTE THE ADDRESS.

TJOOTS, prs. near MUltaar Boots, black. a- wit nalla, sizes 10 and 11, 10 pr.i aoo Tlilitary swords, in eather cases, 80 each; lnuo (eUUiin Khaki Militarj- Cloth, 11 as) pra. tadcu' ow prs. uiue tvoonen Trousers, linen througliout, 2iid-hand, but In good order, 4 or.

MVER MITCIIKLI, VKHY SCALES, Ucivt; 6ft (iln Roller Shutter, Gas Conner. IS iral. Conner and Ktumt Hruo, Illv Scales, Daisy Vacuum Cleaner, 600ft Itope and Blocks, Sleel Truck Wheels ami Rails. Success Stove, 1 Dinner reca rump, lie sell everyuunr. Ulve US a Cull.

IIAIINEH l.4 Kninore.rnud. Hnd past Knniore tennlnus. rlMUS is an exceptional opportunity. We must sell at Sacrifice. Heaiitlful tlriental DraneriM.

flinch Covers, latest American models. Ladies' Kvcnina; DreaisB, iiuia, rur coat, BCaisKinil, itiinouos, also latest American LaBlcs' Wurdrobo Trunk. (1UI No. Uj KUJO t-LA ra. riillllii-strect, any time Monday.

BOX Frame; and 1, 2, and 4 light Water and Gas Pipe. Half Glass Doors. Panel und litdae Doom. Muiitclu, odd, Plain und Coloured (ilasd, Gaa and i-uei Moves, Lining, 100 hneeU, Gal. Iron, new Uisc-mcnt Doors, all atlinr linildini Muterlul.

-ulwava an liiind. A. HINDS, Kouky Polnt-roud, R5kdalc. rnYPEWRlTKUS. Itcnvingtons, 4, 8lU, 10, la; Monarch 1610; Snd tli Premier 14.

All lo perfect order. II. M. TOWNSEND, 129 liathurst-btrcct. 'Phone, Ciiy 7VJ3.

1AMEI1A (for taking Moving Pictures), Triirod, uiinea, rrames, ueveiopers, etc. i aitso criming Diacniuu ana rum, anu a new uiotrnipii: a complete outilt for Producing and Screening Pictures. Rig ciianue to inane monuy, ll ds IJoIpniu-st, coogce. rt(j lUIH.DEHS, CAH1NETMAKERS, and OTHEUS. -X Wo Jiavc iiiiuntitv of Oak l'arouet (inlaid) Flooring, slightly burnt on edge, Usual price 70 anuarc jaru.

uur iTlce 40 a piece, baknkh l.iunorc-roao, iirat stop pant terminuti. AIEGE Coniji-r. hot water cylinder. 00 cu lions: 1 Xi binall Steam iioiler, little Giant; 1 50-gall on steam Copper Jam Holler, hii in gooa orucr. WEST ALL, 105 Perclval-road.

Stanmore. nigg*r BROWN and 11L1JE SKIRT and JI'MPEIt, 210; two Summer Dresses, Ulousea, cheap, suit slim young lady. Call Sat. afternoon 23 Lily-street, Enfleld. tL1 ECO I -1 1 A I) ENAMEL BATH.

BATn -HEATER. WASH BASIN, STAIRCASE, and other Wooden MttiiiKti, to be been at Ormonde, 22 Shcllcove-road, Neutral Bay. DYNAMO Set for Lighting Purposes, with Cells, Lamps, cobt 210. Never been wed. Workel by on or benzine, i.

ISA A US, Tnylor-strcet. Uarllngliursu AL'ANTITY Blntk Steel, Galvanised Corrugated, Plain Sheet Iron, to offer wholesale, GALVO, lOX U.C.O, rjWKNTY lengths of (I 8 Oregon, 20ft long; also 50 J- lengths ot 4 H.W., 20ft long. A. HINDS, uwjKy rouiL-roau, uociiciaie. Famous Rosa as new, 13, cost -L 175; French "Huet," 18a, very scarce, perfect paiuy, tjsju.

noor, una um iiousc. TANKS, TANKS, 24-gauge, Entrllsb Iron, with Upa, KKXI-iralL. 800. 710: 000. 010.

W. T. Groves, Tank Works, Woy Woy. fti dtESS Suit, Frock Coat, tall man, 42 chest, Al street, Waverley (tjani to depot). C1U1CKET SET, with bag; in good order; aiso Compositor's Sticks.

Apply N. 11ARDY, upinr, iionper-st, itanowicK. "OOTTLia (GUM and INK). Apply Foreman, J- stores supply uepartment, lo loung-street, uyo. ncy.

(x-7403) XTOOP IRON, Second-hand, for Sale. Apply Fore- j-j. man, btores supply uepartment, xu lomig-street, Sydney. ATT ICE LATHS, finality hiahest. Iln 15 per 1000ft Special cut, Hin, 1 per lOOOft, Satisfaction gntd.

tt. djjiiii, ja tmma-stiaCicnnarau noue, wavec. aOlONVEUT vi.i'ir' nM'Katrnsnnn I-amr. tn hrilllnr.t."fnean. -J descent Gas Burner, Mantle, Chimney, complete, 00.

Electrical Utilities 005 George-st. packed, blue and Dink. 112 nieces can he divided, AVOCA. Milford-ct, near R.C. Church, Randwick.

QILVELEC Silverplatea old Spoons, Forks, or old silverware with l'ure silver, a oox, post iree. REFLEX 005 George-street. QUANTITY Glass Partitions, polished Doors, and Miass fittings lor omee, sneeiB rancy uiass. Annundale (Balmain tram Johnston-st). rPYPKWRlTERS.

(2) un-to-date corresDondence ma- chines wanted, in good order. Slate make and lowest catih price, Box G.P.O. "1 ILK CART CANS. Vats. Measures.

Buckcta. Strain- 1X era. luid Reuairs. T. SWAINSON and SON.

Tin- sniiths, .174 Dul. Hill. TL156oPeL KtruHiicA i iiM. or cooling cuus, ljin pipe, immediate delivery. HENRY JI00W0RTH and a jexanur ia flTENT and FLY, 7.

cheap; also 150-candle-power Incandescent Hand Lamp, suit week-end camp. orton-6lreet, Aslilleld. JMAltT medium-size Winter COAT, suiUblo lady going Europe; Blue Serge Dreas, Blouses, and other terns. King advertiser, nm. las.

DARLlNGHURST-ltD. 65. Wairted to small on verandah, nearly new, painted. iTYLISli Crenm Coat and Skirt, medium size, nearly F- new, 4 Hoots uiatcn in), Jul. iw victoria-sc, u.

1JENCH DRILL suit mechanic, a bargain. 57 Norton- -L St, A DAYTON Barrel Scales. Avery Scales, Westfalia Bacon Cutters, Sausage Killers. 415 Ktng-st, Newtown. riCKEIt uood condition; also 7-picce Velvet Suite.

Kclgeware-in, MarricKvtiie. TOR SALE," A'rirutuh STOVE, nearly new; inc JL' Taiile, Safe, 0 Charlotte-st, L'hardt. rnYPE WRITER, New Century, good order, 5, or j- oner. Appiy ai irown-bi. "lUEREKA GAS STOVE, No.

407. 125 Chandos-St, Sydney. 1ASH Register nnd Dayton Scale, sacrifice. Motor Excliange, 2 Oxford-lane (rear Winn's), off Doors, Sashes. Timber.

Devine iitaiu-uueiii-tti, injur avevoiiNure-Hii. I 0R SALE, EUREKA GAS STOVE, with Fittings. 81 Green's-rd, Paddington. FOR SALE," Greengrocer's DAYTON SCALES. Dunn's, Great North-rd, Five Dock.

fOASlI REGISTER, Id to 110, gd. order, detail uuiici, ujii'ui1. wuimi, on new uui. PAlNTINGy, wbolesale and retail, low price, lerere vnrtntv Aptis. e.iwa..

n.n.... AC1IINE BltiCKS, 2000, newi lull-ske Carpenter Bench. 105 New P.timh.i. CAMERA, 2a foldlna; autographic' Brownie," E.II.

lena. as new, 12lp. A. 8. Pericuson.

Crow's Nest. ii iii I tt iii i utone and vhumm u.t Duo ueorsesl. iViTitf1 Wir.1H''ri!. yd. doa.

Ilectrlcal Utilities Suniitv Co. 605 George-at. SPAKK. PLUGS, 20, bargain price to clear. UliliUea Supply (105 Qeonrcst.

88' WAT011E3 and Jeweller at reduced prices: old Jewellery rcniod. Moulang, 103 George-at. Haym It t. ,1 piawii. Net, almost new, chcaprApplv Muwinu aiAulUMIS, 42iii, Green's (Horse).

Ap- Gardens. fiJOfA Fountains, new and s.0ia'nd. KedheadTand Toakley, Essex and liarrlngtonjila. ipOB HALE, 2 Verandah Venetian Blinds, 6 and 6. 11 Monnionth-al. lUth-st, Kandwick. JfllSHING NET, Accumulator Mails, Sundries, Ohaa. i. nuaisiieuB, ttd I'erouse. riAS STOVE, Eureka, Mo.

610- lara size. v. equal new, 130 sjinuiAiiu mine (Heiron and Smith). 9 size, new xi "Hers, l'ontypool. Bondl-rd, nrf RoyM jiul 14 Ulen-st, BondL, ENOL1SII China Dinner Service, pretty design- also Deal Case.

117 llargiare-st. raddlngton, pitE.NCH ex Prism Binoculars case, hrand nev. "1 accept 60. BlmV Nortli m'. J-HHs? jb.prii' SIlens-Messor, with Iron 1 rollers.

Macquarie, Brighton, Arthur eta! Croydon" ROLLEH Top Desk, sit wide, good condition, suitable office. Yarraina. Artonnnn t.i inM, AQUARIA and Water Weed for Sale (private person). Apply, niter tea. 37

a.ha.M tfiOUK Singer Shirt Machine Heads, good condition chrap. 44 18. 'Phone, 1786. IKi Bourke-at, Wni R1, wddlng presents. Bu wiUiam-Bti city.

VYOK, 4 in Held dwivel. new; Bench, amery wheel Sin atocks and dies, chean. 6. Snl jj ivrhxl pARNlVAL 8HOW3 for Sale. 6 lateat.

rd, Mairlckville. TNITTlNa MACHINE. Wert helm Precosla, NICE Double COT for Sale. Apply 9 Fltxray-itTeet, Newtown. UANT1TY Galvaniaed Iron, econd-hand.

cheap. 16 C'levalnnd-st, Darlington. POli SALE, Folding large aUe. mcctli-8t. Res ley.

LAWN Roller, Scwt, twln-cylinder, 24 20, 4'" Tanknnl. Esplanade, R'way Stn.f Thornlelgh. BLACK WARE, 16 hands, honest in harness, cheap. Manliman, Pankatown. ANDERSON, 10ft Parr.

-rd. Carpenter's Wood-work tnB plant, jncluding 18ln saw. U2fi82. DR RUG, beautiful Native Rear Skint (30), perfect condition. Box 2068, CPJ), ASSAM COAT, 25; Carallco Goat, 210; Patent noota, Plr.p 4, 188.

805 Norton -st, LlchhanlL I CASH REGISTER, to total adder and In xplendld onler. U4142. BLACK and White Tailored Coat and Skirt, 40 Cwt, iV. Tost-onice, Arthflold. ENOLfsK ENAMEL BATH, sell 410.

R5T1 Tupper-at, Enmore. gjTOVE, Wright's Eureka, flo7, food is new, 10, 87 Frenchmtirs-nl, RandwIoV. PERAMBULATORg, 8emM. made to order from 78i Pull Carts, 80, 9 Enmore-rd, Newtown, civen. ALLKKDINO, Teweller.

Hunter-street. TOE J- ICE CHESTS. New and S'liand, all turn, cheapest in Sydney. L. It.

Hixn nnd rn niiirAlar't l'oy't, Ltd. UANTITY MUS10 STEEL WlItE, all Bauge. chwp. BEALB and Trafalgar-street, Armadale. WI) YOU 9 A TON.

KiiBllah hduis. ordinary d-pouit harb, (ipurt, 'Ml cwl; cut Bolls. 4 -At Hb, ton lots, f.o.r. Kjdtiev. Sumpkn Hated.

J. IlKST, 11 Cresrcnt, An'dule, bark JClIiotfs iTILh a low Suits left.Doirt misa fliis filnmco. fj will not be repratffd, worlli Jl4, below cost at It hi ty -ii. A lew tjauardine (ienuino jjurgHiiiR. 4'1 Park-street TNVA'iJd CIlAlilS for iSale.

from aml HIRI': I reafimalilc terms; aliso Herircs of Easy SI.AGRASS iii-imn, citcap. jj. it. iii.mj lino Klizubcui- trcct. (neiir Koy'n, Limit rd).

CO WBUJIHNO MACHINES, ISCALE8, WEKilf. ItlUDiiKH, all faim-'ities, all elatwa of frwdit. Ortified Dept. HeiRliis and Mcat-un. Aiintralian made.

A'iril. Scale ttj 7-ff Tlinmns-wlrent, liaytnarket, IRON, WW shcrtH, all DoorMiintclB. fJratps, llardwc-vj, I'ipinir. nil ctafiics of 2ud-hand jtuiinintr matenni, on ran or wm iree. .1, t'ity.

next Dt-nijil Hfupital IlljiiSKri, Miiirjar 8tylt, IieautifUMy cmbroidorrd, Silk GcorKctie, 1 0 eiiclij others, lm'nd-emi)rnidereo, rintni'kH piped, 1411, LVJ1, 3611, cx.piisite fbH'Ins. "Fells." 117 Llrp'l-irt, Arneritun Bng Stor. fiJCALES. TOLRDO, HONES1, WEIGHT, BEST! Quirkert, Cneapest. No Sprintta.

TOLEDO RfcRKKI, LIMITED. cor, oxford-strnet, and WcntiAorth -avenue. tjT.KETTNG8. SHKETINGl IO Excfptional valuet In Engliih Grpj Sheetinjfs, 3flin, 30rt 32in, 3D, 27, 3 yd. Prices are much below landM CQrnCalland ate qualities.

83-37 Regent-sl. o. CiASRS for SALE, ficshly eTiipticd. AH Ornt, Kr-igwin, and Company, Limited, 209-271 George- trt-et, Sydney. rpANKii, TANKS, 21 pb-.

Emrlish, Iroii, with Taps, J- lOOD-jralton 0, 800 8, 00 7. TIARVUY'S TANK WORKS, ParramatU. 'Phtmc, U8163. riAAKTAHiij ACID," "best Eii(tlisli. lewt kess.

at 'M per lb net. SMITH, COPKLANO, and a. 'I'lionc, iteo. IllRb irrade, 12-bore Hammerlesa Ejector, by im nurus, ill tasc, cost JW, laKC 81 Glcninore-road. Paddin-tnn.

pOWKlt POTATO peel" I51bPola. ipch ininuie. rwvea one dub per ton. AUSTRALASIAN SCALE '17. Tliomaii.itt.

Hmkt. INAM. 1'itAYS, Klnt, Ouidtiff tbfoe, fofbutcliere, liMtii and bref simps, smallfjooilB, etc, large stocki. Australaslau Scale 217-B ThomiiB-at, Haykt, I ARfiE Size Ilof kiiiff Horse, .2, or offer; Collap. 110; 5 3ft Gin Table, 15; Linoa, etc.

Ismuy, KHrTAN K8, Ktigl 2l-g with "taps, 100U Kill avo ow, wj, COOPER'H TANK WORKS, Hyde. 108. rpEA. ClioiteBt Cpylon Tea, 16 per lb l-reiglit paid Ui any town N.S.W. Postal Note t'Oib lots (only), Epping Co-op.

Store, N.S.W. IHOltJEST OUALiTY LEMOJJS for Hale, (1 per bushtjL Send Postal Note. Freight paid up to 1 00 'llllflfi- H. BI ER. Enping.

IiLUFFY FLOCK for Ailing mattresses, cusliioiin, prico lid per lb, delivered. 'Phone, L2322. ROBINSON an.i mmiiku, Kcwton -street, Alexandria, Strined Blinds, also Tornaulln. inuat lm rlsurl neirocp: pneea. a.

h. wngnr, Brtnge-Bt, TOiEiTAHT" J5IA: Wllllam-itreet. Send for catalogue. Wm. 680.

SHEWING. Prize A.N.A. Machines, 1021 models, nil fgn rapidl, 23 years' suar. terms right. Auatn.

Sewing Mach. Queen Vic. Markets. "I A DIES' Tails, Ural Hnlr 70. 10a.

Children' Hiii- iit tu ueu, miiftigfiimiioiiH, irom BARTON and HON, (PI Sydney, opp. Hordemi' CORONA PORTABLE TYPEWRITER, perfectly new, cost 20; betit offer. Norrls, 38 York-at, city. QILK Knitted Jumpers, neat designs, beaut colours, from 2 gns or made to metis, Wright, 17 Brldge-st, 1AMP SHADES, gas or electric, from 6(1. Exquisite i deslgng.

A. H. Wright. 17 Brldge st. cy, DINNER SUITS, fr.

5, UL at nennine i iirlcm. Sunnrior. Hox lflfift. O.P o. SUMMER Garden and Verandnlt Chairs, complete with cam-as, JromO.

A. K. Wright, 17 nrldge-at. rhEA7 TEA. per lb.

Finest ill) I -giro wo. J- Ben Tully. 22 Rnwson-place, near Railway. TENTS, TENTS, TENTS, nil sizes. L.

R. Hind and 139 Ellf-nbeth-st, near Mark Poy's. Ltd. BACON SLICERS, 4, 10, 14, 32, .18, euy terms. Earl, Importer.

22ft Ctwtlereagh-st. STORE TRUCKS, all kind nnd sizes, Aust made, Aust. Scalf 217-0 Thomas-st. Haymirket JUS'i landed, Boot-repair Finishing Machines, Eng. mqnuf.Cflfch or easy terms.

Earl, 220 C'rengh-st. JjfElSS FIELD GLASSES, also various assortment of otliera. Cilrio Shop, HI Pltt-st Circular Quay. LATENT RIGHTS, Pfant, Cartons, ofWhlt- Mcnl. 70A Cabramatta-rd.

Moi. 1JOCK1NG HbiiSE. snlrnrl. TfTd7 iT.rwir.T- J-w Usui pleuflintr alft, Annlv Cfl Palmor-st. Balnmln.

ST ARQUE, 21 18 12, Oft walls, lined once, all Him. m.oii i iuii mi bin un, nogiinui. ikn in nam. to anri rvi Miii-mi Limited. DanVs strfet.

Waterloo. frflYPK WRITER No. 10 Worth s-8 W-( Edison Batteryj Fan VrA a uioniu au Untnr. Mil.

Caretaker. 2M KHmh Insist that If you enrol for one of our numerous course. In Commercial Art, and conscientiously study, under our expert direction, the practirul lesions provided, you wilt become adept at Sketching and De-signing. Get huay while you think of II, and call or send for our Free Illustrated Art Booklet which tell, you .11 It. BTOTT'S TECH.



275A Pitt-street, (near Park-street), Pitman's Shorthand (th Universal Svslem). Touch Typewriting (all machines), INDIVIDUAL TUITION. Student, have tho benefit of practical experience mined hy the Misse. Carter In leading commercial Professional Office. QUARTER BEOmS DAY Or ENTRANCK.

'risoiaas, atr uot ud m. ii, ioiiper, nrnw, nicxei, Aluminium, i-'X Tlnplates. Brandt Lamp 230 Pltt-st 3-OR RALE. Black Fml Fur CAPE, bargahh XxipW 0 Rroiiaham-iit. tSEWrNO "riWDTOnhSdT Zr cheitp.

04 Ornngc-st, Ramlvvlck. KODAK, Sp'ecTnl 8A 'linr, O.S.' leather case, now tmdjjlot 'Phone, City 4641. fllYPRWiUTER, Rcmlitgtonnjrlerror Sale, cheap. 010. 08 Derwent-slj JJlcbO; QUANTITY o( Oil VARNISH for SALE, cheap, 09 GONDOLA ritAM, nearlv new, cost' 910, teU i.

418 Lane Covc-rd, Crow's Neat, I '(Continued en nut.

The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)
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Author: Roderick King

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Author information

Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.