The Times Recorder from Zanesville, Ohio (2024)

1 -Trade For a Car That Has No Ills Why Spend More on Repair Bills- FOURTEEN THE TIMES RECORDER. ZANESVILLE OHIO Zanesville Monument Co. Quality Memorials. End Monroe at Bridge. Ph.

250. E. B. Castor, Pres. Mgr.

Interested in Memorials? Write for free 30 page book of illustrations and prices. MALTA MONUMENT CO. 25 N. 6th St. Zanesville, Ohio.

WATSON MONUMENT CO. 11 MAIN NEAR BRIDGE FOR BETTER VALUES. Special Notices WOMEN'S EXCHANGE Wishes your membership and cooperation. Phone 3549-W. JOE CLARK 4 CONGRESS Will over WALE Mon.

7:45 D. m. Independent. Zanesville, Ohio. 5 and Real Estate Loans See us and get a straight loan on terms of payment TO SUIT YOU! Also loans up.


CURTAINS. DRAPERIES. ROSE GOEDERT, formerly with Sturtevant's. 909 Greenwood Ave. Ph.

2217-J. EXPERIENCED GOLD BUYERS. We loan you and your crew gold scales And pay per Karo. Write Box B-207 this paper. Going to Florida.

Have room for 2. or try passengers. References. It Interested dst Call 1318. whi Excursion and Travel Gl TEACHERS TIP GRACE LINE Cargo Ship-39 days for $175.

NEW YORK through PANAMA Canal to COLOMBIA, EQUADOR and PERU, 15 stops. Average $4.50 a day. Id's Ph. 2985 Local Agent. et Lost and Found 10 nk LOST- -Black White Pig 7 weeks old; in vicinity of Granteilffe.

Reward. Phone 1099-W. ca LOST- Studebaker wire wheel Goodrich an Silvertown mounted. between Zanesville Deavertown. Ph.

2832-M. Cari Business Announcements Cess Pool- -Vault Cleaning L. KOHLER. 367 N. 5th St.

Ph. 3773 Ci RADIO REPAIRING Upholstering--Free Estimates DIRECT SALES 34 N. 3rd. Ph. 1534 J.

A. Floor Wheeler, Sanding Duncan Falls. -Floors Philo Laid Ex Vaults, Dry Wells Cleaned H. WRIGHT SON. Phone 2014-M.

111 WM. NEITHAMMER. 35 S. 6th. Ph.

730 Awnings--Upholstering St Electrical ar WHITE LILY WASHERS ch repaired. rolls, parts, belts 1e ELECTRIC SUPPLEST N. 6th. Ph. 626.

dg WASHERS REPAIRED Also rolls and parts for all makes. d. 801 Main St. opp 8th. Phone 1628 ZANESVILLE MAYTAG STORE che Service on all A makes cleaners.

H. SalGUARANTEED Premier Hoover parts. lows at 544 Putnam Ave. Ph. 2729-J.

Sewing Machines se USED SEWING MACHINES Most Complete line in city. All makes. Both Treadle and Electric. up. QUALITY FURNITURE CO.

Main at 7th St. Plumbing and Supplies FOR SALE cheap. 1 lavatory 1 commode. Call at Zanesville Maytag Store. 801 Main Street.

Fairbanks Morse Elec. Water System $44.50, 30 Gal. Extra. Heavy Hot Water Tank. $6.40.

Bohn, 117 N. 7th. Female Help Wanted WANTED -White girl for general housework. stay nights. Apply in person 3rd house on Leonard Ave.

MIDDLE aged housekeeper for elderly woman in McConnelsville, Ohio. Reference. Ph. 1593-R. MIDDLE aged woman for house work In country, 2 in family.

More for home than wages. Box W-206 this paper. Wanted- Experienced girl for general housework, stay nights, good wages. 734 Locust Ave. Girl for cooking and general housework.

No washings. Reference. Phone 1715. Woman for housework, no washing or Ironing. 2 in family.

State age wages in writing Box X-206 this paper. Wanted, experienced housekeeper and cook, stay nights. Give references in writing, Box S-206, this paper. LADIES 10, represent Masionette Frocks, exclusive styles. Leads furnished, thorough training, earnings to $25 week.

Also lady executive, capable of directing. Write Box C-207. this paper. Girl for General Housework Call at 637 Convers Ave. GIRL for general housework care of children.

Address Box A-207 this paper, giving references salary expected. WANTED Woman to assist and care for crippled lady and for household duties, small farm adjacent to Adamsville: cow and chickens, must be able to lift patient at times. Address Homer Shrigley, Sonora. Ohio. R.F.D.

1, Male Help Wanted YOUNG men to travel with crew selling, $12 week in training. Experience unnecessary. Harold Moss, Room 23. Ohio bet. 4 5 p.m.

WANTED- MAN WITH TEAM to do plowing. Phone 667-J after 5 p. m. Opportunity for energetic men in estabterritory of Muskingum, Licking de Perrier counties to represent Citizens Wholesale Supply Co. (Golden Rule Firm) dealing direct to consumer.

Complete line of groceries household supplies. No investment. commission paid weekly, details given with interview. Write "'Wholesale" Box 1838. Columbus, WANTED 5 MEN Old reliable manufacturer needs 5 neat appearing men for new division of work.

Steady employment. Men mechanically inclined given preference, Call between 8 9 a. m. Thursday, 19 N. 3rd St.

Wanted, Man to Plow Phone 3653-W. Help Wanted $2.50 per day. Employ men or women. Unusual offer. See "Winston," at Hotel Taft Friday only.

Situations Wanted PAPER HANGING $2.50 ROOM. Painting- -Lowest Prices H. J. MILLS. 627 N.

7th St. Ph. 892-R. Paper Hanging and Painting, also special line of wall paper. Call 645-R.

Wanted to Buy CHICKENS WANTED TERRACE POINT MARKET. Ph. 4646 We Pay CASH for Building Loan Deposits. The W. L.

Timmons 412 First Nat'l, Bank Bldg. Ph. 122. CHICKENS WANTED Highest prices paid. 624 Echo.

Ph. 2657-W Wanted, 5x7 Walk-in Ice Box Write Box G-206 this paper. I BUY ANYTHING See me. Cor. McIntire Ave.

Newark Rd. JUNK Cor. Highest Scrap 3rd of Prices all North Paid kinds. For Sts. MUSKINGUM IRON METAL CO.

CASH PAID FOR Equitable Savings Deposits Ph. 3799-W. B. C. Ramsey, 1640 Maple Ave CASH for Equitable, Home Muskingum State Security Deposits.

JOHN H. GARRETT. 223 Masonic Temple. Ph. 740.

CASH PAID FOR OLD GOLD Jewelry, dental gold. crowns and bridges. ROBERTS COMPANY. 509 Main st. ANTIQUES WANTED Tables, chairs.

bureaus, etc. Liltian Richardson. 1123 W. Main Ph. 832W Cash for 29 or '30 Ford or Chevrolet.

Telephone 1043. Adamsville Exchange, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE all or part. Cor. McIntire Newark Rd. At Swingle's "BEST PLACE TO DEAL" 35 Pontiac Sedan $625 34 Pontiac Cnv.

$550 34 Chev. Master Coupe $395 34 Pontiac 8 Sedan $575 34 Chev. Sedan 33 Olds Town Sedan $425 32 Pontiac Sedan $350 32 LaSalle Sedan $595 31 Oakland Coupe $250 32 DeSoto Cm. 31 Essex Coach $250 31 Buick Coupe $285 31 Olds Sedan $295 30 Pontiac Coupe $175 30 Dodge Sedan $250 30 Stude. Sedan $195 30 Pontiac Coach $215 29 Pontiac Sedan $125 29 Pontiac Coach $150 29 Essex Coupe $145 29 Packard Sedan $150 28 Graham Sedan $145 27 Chrysler Sedan 75 27 Chevrolet Sedan 69 26 Buick Sedan 85 BUY -SAVE MONEY 143 So.

Sixth Anything Automotive Repaired SWINGLE 135 So. 6th Ph. 151 READY TO GO 30 Stude Comm. 8 Coupe 34 Plymouth D.L. Coupe 30 International Truck 29 Stude Vict.

Coupe 31 Plymouth Coupe 28 Stude 6 Sedan The MORRISON MOTOR Co. 216 Main St. Lot 8. 3rd St. '35 FORD TUDOR RAY'S '34 PLYMOUTH COACH OLDS COACH LOT '33 FORD COUPE '31 CHEV.

COUPE 121 S. 5th '29 CHEV. COUPE '28 WHIPPET SEDAN BEST USED BUYS CARS WILKING'S 29 Whippet Sedan 35 Terraplane Coach 33 Chev. Mas. Sedan 35 DeSoto Coach 28 Ford Coupe 35 Plymouth Tour.

Sedan 34 Plymouth D.L. Coupe 27 Willys Knight Sedan WILKING'S Used Car Dept. 6th Marietta, AUTO PARTS--TIRES Also New--Used Batteries, Radiators. Ignition Parts, Generators, Springs, etc. Glass cut and installed for all cars.

Blickstein Auto Wrecking 319 N. SEVENTH ST. TRUCK SALESMAN Experienced man for a popular and complete line Including everything from ton up. Liberal proposition and real opportunity. Write Box Y-206, this paper.

Motorcycles and Bicycles Harley Davidsons, New Used Tires. Batteries, Oil. Parts, Accessories. WALRAVEN'S. opp.

Postoffice. CLASSIFIED RATES IN TIMES RECORDER and SIGNAL All ads are restricted to their proper classifications and to the Times Recorder and Signal style of type publisher reserves the right to classify, edit 01 reject any classified advertisem*nt. all, than ads 12:45 must p. be m. in for the office evening not.

Signal later and 8:45 p. m. for the next morning's Times Recorder. 3 time times times 3 lines .45 $1.26 $2.16 lines .60 1.68 2.88 5 lines .75 2.10 3.60 Each additional line .15 .42 .72 discount for cash. Special rates by the month or longer.

Minimum charge 45c. Minimum unes accepted 3. Ten per cent discount on short time ads If paid for in advance before 9:00 p. m. on day ordered, or by mai postmarked same day ordered.

Count 6 average words to a line; all long or hyphenated words to be counted as two words. Errors in advertisem*nts shall De reported Immediately, The Times Recorder and Signal will not be responsible for more than one incorrect Insertion. Ads ordered for three or seven times and stopped before the expiration will be charged only for the of days the ad appeared and adjustments made at the rate carried. Cards of thanks, in memoriams, obituaries and resolutions, 15c per line, payable time of insertion. Advertising ordered for irregular sertions takes the one-time rate.

All mail orders must be accompanied by cash PHONE 17 INVESTMENT TRUSTS Bid and AdF2 I All Inc 1.69-.871 Am Hold Am Gn I Am Sh 1.07-1.17 Am Ins Stk Aso Std Banc Blair BkN InvO Basic Ind 4.29 Brit Inv Brd St I Bik Fnd Can Inv Fd Ont Nt CA 40-43 do 4-6 Cent 25.79-17.74 Cm Nt Cor Corp Trst 2.58- do AA 2.49 do mod 3.09- Corp A 2.49 do mod 3.09- Crm do 8 pet pt 115- Crm FInB 37-40 do 7 pf 110- Cum Tr Sh 5.45- Sh NYA 2.29-55 Dp In Sh A 3.74 do 3.51-.90 Div Tr 9.75 do 4.20-.50 do 6.40-7.10 Divid 8h 1.54-1.67Sup Eq Corp $3 38-421 Fd Fnd I 24.62-26.52 Fat Fix Tr Sh A 11.00- do 9.22- Fd In In 20.80-22.90 Pd Tr Sh A 5.63-6.25 do 5.36- Gn Inv Tr 5.52-6.07 Gip Sc Ag Sec Auto 1.40-1.52 do Bide do Chem 1.44-1.57 Food 1.10-1.20l do Merch 1.12-1.22 do Petro 1.23-1.34 do RR Ea 1.00-1.10| Asked Prices do Stl 1.36-1.48| do Tob 1.25-1.36 Huron Hid Inc Inv 20.55-22.10 In NY Col A I Fd In 91.36-93.20 Inv Fd of A Map Sh Crp 2.75- Mary 17.91119.37 Mass In 24.13-13.26 Mas I 24.13-26.23 Mutual In 1.40-1.53 Nat Wid do cts 1.64-1.78 Bk Sh 3.25- NABT ct Nor Am Sh 2.41- do 1955 3.14 do 1956 3.10. No AT 1958 3.10 North Sec Plym In Quar. In Sh 1.48-1.63 Rep 11.57-12.07 Sch 5.00-6.00 Rep In Fd 4.40-4.70 Sel Am Sh 3.41- SelAmShInc 1.47-1.60 Sel Cum Sh 8.92- Sel I cupf 16.50-18. Spen 18.75-19.94 Std AmTS 3.60-3.85 Stnd tf Inc Stat St In 91.49- of A TrA 3.34 do AA 2.30 do 3.53- do BB 2.30 do 6.26 6.26 Sup8nnw 12.56-13.66 Trust StInG 2.35 do 2.30 Trst St Oil 8A 5.70. do 5.96- Trst.

AB Test Ind Sh 1.31-1.45 Trat NYBS 1.44-.64 US El 17.375 do 2.55-2.65 do vto 1.00-1.08 MAY 14, 1936 THURSDAY, Monuments Household Goods SPECIAL BARGAINS -inUSED FURNITURE Iron Bed Spring and Mattress, Thor Electric 5.95 size, complete. $5.95 Water Power 5.95 Eden Electric 9.95 Side Icing Refrigerator. 3.95 Bed Davenport. $2.95, CONVENIENT TERMS Quality Furniture Co. Bargain Basem*nt, 7th and Main: Sts.

COAL Immediate, delivery. bushels Priced lov up H. J. PAUL Phone 1282-R. Manhattan Coal Your Best Buy! ORRIS COAL Phone 424 SUNDAY CREEK COAL Central Coal Yard.

3rd Elberon. Ph. 125 Household Goods Coal for Sale DON'T BUY Until you see Fairbanks-Morse electric refrigerator. 15 leading features. Big trade allowance.

Easy terms. H. A. THORLA. 1024 Musk.

Ave. 3107 PUBLIC AUCTION, Thursday, May 14 at 1 p. m. consisting furniture of 5 rooms at 928 Indiana St. COUNTRY FOLKS! You can have modern refrigeration with the kerosene Electrolux.

No noise, moving parts or water. 3 to 4c per day to operate. Easy terms. H. A.

THORLA, 1024 Muskingum Ave. Ph. 3107. USED ICE BOXES $1.95 up PIONEER ELECTRIC, Inc. 31 N.

5th St. 'Where Really Save Money' On new Furniture. Open Evenings til 9 c. W. CANNON SON, ROSEVILLE.

A Few of Our Many Bargains Piano and bench--reasonable. 3 pc. Living Room $14.95 Round Oak 4.95 Used 9x12 Rug. 4.98 3 Inner Spring Mattresses, 9.95 4 Hole Coal Cook Stove, 21.95 TRADE YOUR OLD FOR NEW CHAS. J.

BARRON FURNITURE CO. Linden Ave. End "Y' Bridge. Ph. 492 Now Showing 1936 COPELAND ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR Models for Any Family Requirement $129.50 up L.

A. EMMERT AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE 17 S. 3rd St. Phone 231 ICE BOXES Used. Buy now while we have a large assortment to choose from.

Priced very reasonable. Free delivery in city, Open evenings till 9 o'clock. The F. Wilking Sons Co. 33 N.

6th St. 5 PC. DINETTE SUITE solid walnut, excellent condition. Phone 3493-W Electric Refrigerators For Farms and Small Commercial Uses. These are medium to large boxes with compressors of ample size but compressors must be installed in basem*nt or separate location.

Real bargains. We will install and guarantee. The F. Wilking Son 33 N. 6th St.

ICE BOX, metal, cork insulated. 75. lb. front icer, fine condition, reasonable. 52 8.

7th rear door. SELLARS KITCHEN CABINET, Coal cook stove victrola, good condition. Phone 1245 Electrolux Refrigerator 7 cu. ft. in excellent condition.

Can be seen in operation at residence. Phone Estate Range table top, almost new $45; Radiant gas heater $5: 75 lb. Ivory green Alaska refrigerator $8: Mahogany Bookcase Steel bed $2. Ph. 2377-J or 2121 Norwood Blvd.

Machinery and Tools ARMATURE RE- WINDING- -Motor repairing. mine equipment. Athens Armature Mach. Works, Athens. Ohio.

Ph. 629. 2 HORSE CHECK ROW CORN PLANTER. A-1 condition, priced right. Muskingum Valley Implement rear 44 S.

6th St. Phone 703. Portable saw mill. 2 trucks, several 000 ft. of standing timber.

C. E. Longstreth. Ph. 3638.

Zanesville, O. LIGHT farm wagon, steel wheels, also Deering mowing machine, $25 both. Fred Sharkey, Chandlersville Exch. LAWNMOWERS sharpened repaired. Call for and deliver.

Muskingum Valley Implement, rear 44 S. 6th. Ph. 703. One 15 ton truck scales, also new used corn plows and planters.

HOLBEIN SUPPLY 120 N. 3rd. Ph. 1308. Ten ton low wheel roller bearing wagon.

condition like new. will sell cheap or trade for low wheeled farm wagon. ATHA SUPPLY 1615 W. Main. Ph.

3183. TWIN CITY TRACTORS for More Power, less upkeep. fuel economy 'and longer EXTRA YEARS IS THE REPUTATION of all TWIN CITY TRACTORS. Also full line Farm Machinery. McKnight's Feed Store Hanover, O.

Phone 44 Store or Res. Horses and Carriages TEAM gray geldings 8 9 yrs. old, wt. 3000. gray gelding 9 wt.

1550; mare colt 8 yrs. wt. 1400; span mules wt. 2600. N.

P. Gadd, mile east Adamsville PAIR BIG CHEAP WORK HORSES, will trade for cattle R. W. Guy, Roseville, O. Rt.

2. FOR SALE or Trade, horses mares $35 up; 40 in. Shetland pony, safe for children $35. Krause, Coopermill Rd. FOR SALE Good riding driving mare $65, or trade for work horse.

Phone 2734-R. 1003 Moxahala Ave. CARLO, registered 4 yr. old Belgium stud. ready for service at all times.

Service Fee $12.00. miles north of Norwich. W. G. Lake.

FOR SERVICE -Reg. Percheron and BelgStallions will be at owner's farm. State route 77, north of McConnelsville on Mon. Chesterhill on Thurs. McConnelsville on Fri.

Sat. Chas. E. Mautz. Phone McConnelsville.

Poultry and Pet Stock SURE LANCASTER QUALITY CHICKS ARE BETTER, Here is some proof. C. Wilson had 425, they are 5 weeks old. lost 7. Mrs.

C. Glick had 300, lost 7. they are 4 weeks old. Both from Ashville. O.

Sexed chicks. free catalog. ROOT BEE SUPPLIES. LANCASTER FARM'S HATCHERY, 654C E. Chestnut, Lancaster, O.

CUSTOM HATCHERY. Special Turkey hatcher. Order chicks poults now. Bet Wed and Sat. FOREST DALE HATCHERY New Concord.

Ohio. REAL CHICKS Get some Rickett's bred to lay, large type English Leghorns. Large eggs, big chicks. bloodtested. Hurry and get October eggs from our hardy May hatched Leghorns.

Hatches ready each Tuesday and Friday. Custom Hatching 2c per egg. bring eggs Wednesdays Saturdays. RICKETTS HATCHERY Frazeysburg Rd. (N.

Maple Ave.) Ph. 2696 Baby Chick Prices Slashed U. S. Approved Chicks at Reduced Prices for remainder of season. Day-old pullets, straight chicks, broiler turkey Poults.

CUSTOM HATCHING. hen and turkey eggs. Newark Approved Hatchery 60 Prospect St, Phone 4320 Rooms for Rent furnished rooms bath. quiet neighborhood, modern, priv. ent.

Inquire 1340 Linden Ave. Ph. 4748. Flats and Apartments 3-R. furnished modern, garage, nice location, on bus line.

Reasonable rent. 1204 Jewett Dr. Houses for Rent 1130. CONVERS -Half double, 6-room modern, garage, $25 month. P.

J. Offenbacher. Phone 2985 or 4458-J. SOUTH ZANESVILLE7-room house $10. W.

MAIN ST. --8 rms. bath. gar. $25.

Home Muskingum Bavings Co. Ph. 1247 5-Room House and Garden 5 mi. out Ridge Rd. Ph.

Co, 94-F-13. 7-ROOM house other with acres ground. miles out Frazeysburg Rd. Rt. 1.

Inq. Mrs. Emma Johnstone. 5-ROOM modern house, cistern, garage, porches, shade trees, clean newly papered. Phone 1245.

6-room strictly modern home, unfurnished. at 2121 Norwood Blvd. $40. Phone 2377-J. Farms for Rent EAST PIKE, 3-room cottage, 1 acre land.

$8 per month. Arnold Realty Masonic Temple. Phone 87. Business Places for Rent MAIN ST. STORE ROOM.

Well located. $50 month. First Trust Savings Bank. Ph. 308: Miscellaneous for Rent 3 acres level garden ground 3 miles from city.

Cash or shares. Phone 3653-W. Transfer and Storage GENERAL HAULING. moving, piano mov1ng and hoisting. JOHN MASON.

129 Brighton Blvd. Ph. 1110-M. LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING Coast-to-Coast Service. Private rooms for storage of furniture.

WILSON HAMILTON, 25 Ninth St. Phone 1037. Night Phone 3075 Wanted to Rent Small modern house by reliable young couple, Putnam desired. Phone 4037-W. Houses for Sale 832 LORAINE 6-rm.

mod. 2-story frame. Also 2-rm. dwelling on rear of lot. Will sell or trade for smaller property C.

M. MOCK. Realtor Richards 4th Market. Ph. 4282.

Modern Locust Ave. House NELLIE N. DYE. 311 N. 6th St.

4823 brick, new, to modern, Pho excellent condition. $4.000. JIM DREY. 45 N. 4th.

Ph. 1795-W. "LOOMIS" Cottage, Dillons Falls. completely furnished 6-rm. bath, screened porches.

soft water. gar. 3096W DULMAGE DULMAGE 29 N. Fourth St, Phone 179 Buy Real Estate HEDGE AGAINST INFLATION Good homes are getting scarce. We have photos on file of homes already financed, which may be sold on Monthly Payment Plan.

EQUITABLE SAVINGS CO. 510 Main St. SUBURBAN HOME Newark Road--Attractive modern home of six rooms. city water, gas with one acre of best garden ground. flowers, shrubbery, garage and concrete driveway.

Price $8000. Can be seen by appointment. FRED J. OFFENBACHER. 2985 or 4458-J.

LOEB-THOMAS REAL ESTATE, RENTALS, INSURANCE and STEAM AGENCY 208 RICHARDS -Phone 2985 RIDGE AVE. 6 rooms and bath in good condition, near No. 2 Glass House. $100 down, $22 per month. Buy now.

GRAHAM WEAVER Citizens Bk. Rm. 222. Ph. 1676 or 3079-J.

WHEELING -Two cottages on corner lot 52 feet front. within 10 minutes walk to center of city. Owner will sell for $1400. This is a good buy. HELMICK MOOREHEAD First Trust Building.

FAIRMONT AVE. 11 room well constructed brick house, all modern with hardwood floors. steam heat, car garage, a good home or investment. Make us an offer. RANKIN RANKIN, Inc.

Lind Arcade. Phone 401 Real Estate Loans Repay Monthly EQUITABLE SAVINGS CO. 510 Main St. MEMBER FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK SYSTEM. Fine Terrace Residence Corner Yale Ave, and Dresden Rd.

9 rooms. basem*nt and finished attic. Double garage. Mrs. R.

C. Burton Lots for Sale HOMEACRES, FRAZEYSBURG 1 A. home or garden tracts. Low wkly. payments.

No taxes or int. for yr. Graham Weaver. Citizens Bank. Ph.

1676. Farms for Sale NEAR ADAMSVILLE 135 Acres of rolling ground, most all can be cultivated, good large house, big barn. all the necessary outbuildings, plenty of fruit. Will consider trade for small Zanesville property, Partly financed, government loan. Price $5000.

GRAHAM WEAVER Citizens Bk. Rm. 222. Ph. 1676 or 3079-J.

3 mi. out Rt. 40-Modern 6-room house. electric, acres, orchard. reasonable.

E. N. SHANER. N. 4th.

Ph. 445. Chicken farm on River Road and a good 7-room house, bath and furnace- -Owner will trade or sell at a very low price, only $2000. Mulvey Mulvey, Realtors 15 North Fifth St. Zanesville.

Ohio. FOR SALE OR TRADE 68 8-room house, stock feed. mi. west Robert's Filling Station, off Roseville Road. Anna Daniel.

Rt. 1, Roseville. O. 38 ACRES. 9-room house, large barn, slate roof.

coal mine, $1100. mile from Roseville on Deavertown Rd. Tom Shiplev. Financial MONEY LOANED on Watches. Diamonds, Guns and other valuablem PROVIDENT LOAN 13 N.

5th St. Personals Ask the One Who Knows MME. ANNETTA Clairvoyant and Palmist I do hereby agree and solemnly guarantee to make you no charge if I fall to tell you whether your husband. wife or sweetheart is true or false. I will tell you how to gain the one you most desire.

Giving names. dates. lucky numbers. name your enemies. I advise you on love, courtship.

marriage, divorce. business. lawsuits, speculation and actions of all kinds: tell who and when to marry, settle lovers' quarrels and family troubles, etc. In fact anything you wish to know and find out. Come to me and I will put your mind at ease.

SPECIAL READINGS THIS WEEK 50c 10 to 9 P. M. Daily and Sunday 57 S. 7th (All Welcome) WILL NOT be responsible for any bills. only those contracted by myself.

Pearl H. Cochran. 81 Glessner City. Buses WOODSFIELD BUS Leave Zanesville Terminal 7:45 3:30. Ar.

Woodsfield 10:10 5:55. Lv. Woodstleld 7:50 2:45 Ar. Zanes. 10:15 5:10.

Reduced fares ZANESVILLE-MARIETTA Lv. Zanesville for Marietta 9 a. 1, 3 7:10 p. m. Lv.

Marietta for Zanesville a. 11. 3:00 and 6:30. ZANESVILLE-CORNING Direct connections to 1. 3.

Athens. Leave only. Zanesville Leave 3. 10 a. 5, 7 Sunday Corning for Zanesville 8:20.

11:20 a. m. 2:20. 4:20. 6:20 and 8:20 Sunday only ZANESVILLE- NEW LEXINGTON Leave m.

Zanesville Saturday 4, 6. 8. Sunday 12 a. only. Leave New Lexington 5:15.

7:30, Saturday 9:30 A. m. 1:30 3:30. 5:30. 7:30 Sunday Zanesville-Lancaster Leave Zanes.

9:15 A. 2:00. 5:15 p. m. Leave Lancaster 7.

11:30 a. 3:30 p. m. Sunday only Leave Lancaster 7:00 a. 3:30 D.

leave Zanesville 9:15 a. 5:15 D. Automobiles Accessories USED PARTS. TIRES BATTERIES for all cars. Ross Auto Wrecking.


6th St. Dutro's Radio Service Phone 73 for Home Service or drive in for Auto Radio South 5th Canal See the New DELCO AND PHILCO AUTOMOBILE SETS 1930 Ford Coupe 1929 Pontiac Coupe Both exceptional condition and exceptional buys TRIANGLE MOTOR SALES Cor. 4th Market. Phone 139 No Overhead, You Buy 4 Less 29 CHEV. LANDAU Sedan, runs fine.

$125 '27 CHEV. LANDAU Sedan, new paint 85 '27 DODGE COUPE, new paint, good 75 '34 PLYMOUTH COACH, a 385 '30 FORD COUPE, new tires. some buy 185 CLIFF'S (Ratliffe) Service Station Maysville Pike. Phone 4539. BUY AT WHITE'S SPRING SPECIALS On those parts you need to put your car in shape for spring and summer driving.

Lowest prices on New and Used Parts, Tires. Batteries, Radiators. Gears, Heads, Generators and Glass. Largest selection of Used Parts in Southeastern Ohio. You always save at Highest prices paid for cars and all kinds of junk.

HARRY WATERMAN 513 N. 7th St. Phone 2910 DO YOU Want to Invest In a BARGAIN Then Look These Over 29 Olds Sedan 29 Chevrolet Coach 28 Buick Sedan 29 Chevrolet Coupe 30 Pontiac Coupe 29 Ford Tudor 31 Ford Tudor 30 Ford Tudor 29 Pontiac Coupe 28 Graham Paige Coupe 29 Graham Paige Sedan 30 Chevrolet Coach EASY TERMS J. OWENS CO. "Your Ford Dealer" 49-51 S.

3rd St. Ph. 114-115 '30 CHEVROLET COUPE BOB MILLER. 820 Main St. An extra good one.


Ph. 381 SAFETY TESTED USED CARS 35 Olds 2-Pass. Coupe 35 Plymouth Coupe 34 Buick Sedan 34 Chevrolet Pickup 33 Pontiac Coupe 33 Ford Tudor 30 Ford Coupe 29 Chevrolet Sedan 28 Buick Coupe 27 Essex Sedan ZANE MOTOR CO. 41 So. 6th St.

Low G.M.A.C. Rates SAVE Money and Time on New and Used Parts for all makes of cars and trucks. Complete stock of Rood Used Tires, Tubes, Generators and Starters. Zanesville Auto Salvage Co. "BONES FOR ANY OLE' CAR" 307 N.

4th St. Phone 380 Financial Why Ask Friends For Help? Phone Us For A Loan On Your Own Signature Reduced Rates on Loans Above $100. No Lower Rates in the City. -REPAY MONTHLY NO DELAY -PRIVATE furniture, or auto, to single Loans made on your own who can make regular monthly note, or on men and women or married couples payments Only the borrower signs. HOUSEHOLD Finance Corporation Above Kresge's; Phone 1700 2nd Floor, 507 Main Corner Fifth Welcome Valley and SherHousehold sponsors News Flashes 6 P.

WALR. Edgar A. Guest in lock Holmes with Richard Gordon. Also Poultry and Pet Stock Red Taby Persian Kittens Pedigreed, $2.50 up. 7 742 Pine St.

Coopermill Road Hatchery Chicks Custom Hatching. Ph. 4389-R. Livestock and Produce Zanesville Community Sales Every MONDAY have first class market. Buy sell to your advantage, Yellow 90 day, deep grain.

small cob corn germination $3 bu. Chas. Tumblin, Norwich, Rt. 2. FARMERS GARDENERS The time 18 here! Get our prices on Marble Cliff Limes and Armour's Fertilivers with 7 plant foods.

Also full line of seeds of all kinds. FARMERS EXCHANGE 7th Marietta Sts. Phone 1420 FEED. FEED Seeds, STORE. Fertilizer, SQUARE 17 Lime, Main DEAL 8t.

Get all your wool is worth Consien it to the Ohio Wool Growers Cooperative Association. A 11b- eral cash advance when clip is received and full value when it 1s sold. Muskingum Farm Bureau Co-Op. Ass'n W. End 5th St.

Bridge. 10 Head good work mares and geldings. weight from 1200 to 1600. Come see them work. Also ponies, harness, 7 ft.

kinds. Rutledge, Fultonham. 45-F-5. locust posts. Will buy, livestock of all WANTED- 20 head of yearling calves.

No Jerseys. W. O. REDMAN. Phone 24-F-14.

Soy Beans. Manchu variety Recleaned Germ. 95. Delivered $1.50 also oats 36c. corn 70c.

Carl Gillesnie, Prospect, Reg. Hereford Bull 6 mo. old Chas. E. Mautz.

Phone McConnelsville, FOR SALE 2 yr, Jersey cow, calf at side. one calf at side 1 Holstein, calf at side. P. A. Williams, West pike, 7 miles out.

Sir Walter Potatoes for table or seed. Price $1.05 bu. E. Roe, North River East side of river, SEED CORN- CORN--FERTILIZER State tested seed, also Swift's Red Steer Fertilizer, non -acid forming. Farmers Feed Grain Ira Hoel.

Prop. Cor. 3rd Market Sta. Chick-Starter 2.19-Grit Griffee Bridge ROYSTER FERTILIZER Field Tested--Outstanding since. 1885.

Contains all primary and secondary plant foods. Full stock in warehouse. We deliver. McKnight's Feed Store Hanover, O. Phone 44 Miscellaneous Sales, Trades TYPEWRITERS REPAIRED Add.

Mach, All makes, reasonable, guar WHITACRE TYPEWRITER EXCH. 521 Market St. Phone 402 Good fertile top soil for lawns. Sand, gravel. cinders hauling.

GEO. FROEHLICH. Ph. 3485-W. FRUIT TREES, shrubs.

berry plants, etc. Low prices. Open Sundays. Free catalogue. MITCHELL NURSERY, Beverly, O.

3 Doz. Tomato Plants 25c Frost proof cabbage 5c Peppers 15c doz Egg Plant 20c doz: Large transplanted tomato plants 25c Cauliflower 10c Sweet potatoes 50c per 100: Flower plants 25c doz. CODY'S. 1843 Nell off Adamsville Rd. Screens Made to Order COMBS LUMBER CO.

547 Linden Ph 275 Geraniums, all colors. Coleus, vegetable plants tomatoes. cabbage, mangos. strong plants. Mrs.

Corbett. Ph. 3730. Just received large quantity 1 in. in.

used pipe. Good 85 new. ZANESVILLE TOOL SUPPLY CO. Ph 5094. Save 20 or on your Fire.

Tornado and Auto Insurance. Phone 4282. G. H. GARDNER.

Ins. Agency. PAINT UP Use Our Finance Plan 412 Market St. (Richards Bldg.) Ph 4087W THE BEST PAINT STORE Class SPEED BOAT rensonable. Call 4825-W.

SEED POTATOES Ohio Grown, Select Russett, Sir ters. Carmen $1.45: also cating potatoes $2.35 hund. at storeroom. 18 S. 3rd St.

Now Showing--New Model Royal Portable Typewriters. ROYAL TYPEWRITER AGENCY. 530 Market St Phone 438. THIS AD WORTH 90c House paint $1.95 $2.49 gallon, 4 in. brush free with 5 gallons if you bring this ad.

Linseed oil 78c. Turpentine 69c in bulk. MORTON PAINT FACTORY DELCO LIGHT FOR EVERYONE. New Engine-Generators $57.50. $129.50 and up.

Used Engine-Generators $40.00 and un. C. L. Amrine. 1238 Melrose Ave.

Zanesville. O. Thompson Boat 16 complete with cover, 21 h.p. Elto motor. Must be seen to be appreciated.

Call 3419-J. BEE SUPPLIES Complete line, first quality standard equipment. Call Mr. Winters. MONTGOMERY WARD CO.

Ph. 772, HOISTING CABLES, CRABS Winches. All sizes. priced to save you money. Also pipe.

fittings and valves. Copper wire, motors--in fact anything you need. GOODMAN IRON METAL CO. 921 Franklin St. Bar Equipment, large mirrors, Cor.

McIntire Ave, Newark Rd. RASPBERRY plants ready for delivery now. New Logan and Cumberland, the best black caps, at MOOSE EYE Orchard. New Concord. 50c Grass Shears, week-end special 39c.

Climax wallpaper cleaner 5c can. Real Values. ENGLAND'S. 109 N. 5th st.

Yellows Resistant Early cabbage plants 5. 15c also tomato, 10-20c doz. Flower plants. H. J.

Sletzer. 5 mi, W. pike. LAST CALL. EARLY OHIO POTATOES! Limited amount No.

1's. Bag $2.35. 11 unsold. Also. No.

1, Russetts, Carmen. Sir Walter Raleigh, etc. No, 2 Russetts. per bag, $1.35, 10 lb. Feeding Oats.

35c, lbs. White Star Flour, 69c. True Blue Bulk Garden Seeds, Kasco Quality Feeds, Orleans, drawn from Sorghum. Honey, Maple Syrup, Coffee, Tea. Spices, etc.

Satisfaction Guaranteed. Home Owned Operated Since 1906. Free Delivery. OHIO SUPPLY 67 S. 3rd St, Phone 4578.

FERTILIZER--LIME All grades in stock. L. FRANK SONS AWNINGS Custom built awnings. any size. Any style.

Call Mr. Welch for free estimates. MONTGOMERY WARD CO. Zanesville. 0.

Phone 772 GALV. SPOUTING 7c ft. This special price will save you money. Also complete line of spout parts, flashing ridge roll, etc. Red roof paint $1.39 gal.

Rubber roofing $1.25 roll up. Special prices on high grade Barrett roll roofing. Asbestos roof coating 5 gal. lots 40c gal. Black Star roof cement 20c to $1.00 cans.

Outlasts all others. COVERT HDW West End 'Y' Bridge. Rooms for Rent Nicely furnished room, private home, Terrace district. Garage if desired. Phone 2693-J.

THE FRITZ. 153 S. 6TH- -Furnished, comfortable and clean. rooms and bath. laundry, garage, private entrrace, ADAIR Furnished.

attractive clean. 2 and 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 rooms, bath, steam beat. downstairs location, 35 8th St. Payments to Suit feature since 1887, of YOUR PAY CHECK has been a service means individual attention to each cusCommonwealth course. such a personalized his particular income.

But Comtomer--an adjustment of the payments to and can analyze your needs monwealth managers are experts will surprised at the unusually low cost. in quickly and helpfully, You be Phone, stop in, or write for details. NO LOWER RATES IN THE CITY 204 First National Bank 424 Main St. Telephone 1023 Commonwealth Loan Co. Established 1887 Low Cost Loans On $100 repay 5 monthly On $200 repay $10 monthly On $300 repay $15 monthly (plus carrying charges only for actual number of days between payments).

OTHER AMOUNTS IN PROPORTION. Write or telephone your application today. The Capital Loan Savings Co. 36 N. 4th Ground Floor Masonic Bldg.

Ph. 1915 Wheat Advances Due to Disquiet On Farm Outlook Unsettled European Situation Also Affects Market -Few Sellers CHICAGO, May 13-(P) -Increasing tenseness of the European political situation, together with disquiet over Washington farm-finance developments scarcity of wheat sellers today that lifted prices. Caution on the part of would- sellers of wheat was emphasized notable strength of the Liverpool market. where quotations not only refused to follow yesterday's downturns of values this side of the Atlantic but on the contrary went sharply higher. Wheat closed firm.

to 1 cent above yesterday's finish, May July corn up, May oats at decline to advance, and provisions varying from 12 cents setback to 7 cents gain. May wheat was relatively weak early, but rebounded, and surpassed the deferred months. With commercial demand for corn excellent, corn and oats averaged higher. Provisions mostly were firm, reflecting hog market upturns. Closing indemnities: Wheat- -May to July to 85.

to ept. to to Corn--May July to ept. Produce CLEVELAND, May (P) -Butter, weak; creamery extras in tubs, 30c standards Eggs--Market unsettled: prices paid shippers in 100 case lots. furnished by Cleveland Butter and Egg Board. Extras firsts 56 lbs and up, must be poultry farm quality current receipts 55 lbs and up Live Poultry- -Market steady; hens heavy lbs and up 21; medium hens 22; No.

2 hens 16: leghorn hens 20: fancy rock broilers 3 lhs and up 27: broilers, colored 2 lbs and up 25: stags 16; leghorn broilers 24; rock broilers 2 lbs and up 25; ducks, small 20; ducks, springs 5 lbs and up 22: old ducks 18; old roosters 14. Local Fresh Dressed Poultry -Market steady; medium fowls and pullets 28: fowls 28; ducks 28; broilers lbs and up 34; leghorn broilers 31; leghorn fowls 25. Government egg prices (in cases) -U S. extras, large white 24: U. S.

Standards, large mixed U. S. extras and standards. medium white. Potatoes- Old 1 65 a bag; new $7 a bbl.

Sweet potatoes-1 a bu. CINCINNATI, May 13-Buttar---(tub lots) -Creamery 2829; common score discounted per No. 2 packing stock 19; butterfat No. 1, 23; No. 2, 21c.

Eggs (cases included) Extra firsts seconds 19; nearby ungraded 20. Poultry--Fowls, colored 3 and 4 lbs and over 5 lbs and over 18: leghorns, 3 lbs and over 17; old roostehs 12; white and Plymouth rock bd springers, 1 lb and over 23; lbs and over 25; 2 lbs and over 27; 3 lbs and over 29; colored springers 1 lb and over 23; and 2 lbs and over 25; 3 lbs and over 28; leghorns, orpingtons and Mediterranean springers tad 1 lb and over 23; and 2 lbs and bd over 25; partly feathered and black springers 20; stags (rocks and colorer) 17; leghorns 16: turkeys No. 1 young toms 12-16 lbs and over 20; No. 1 old hens 10 lbs and over 20; No. 1 old toms 21; No.

lbs crooked breasted 15; ducks, white 3 and over 11; 4 1bs and over 13; colored 4 lbs and over 12; 8 lbs and over 10; 85 90. 85 2 00; Michigan round whites No. 2, 1 85; Louisiana 100 lb new stock Alabama 100 lb bags, Tribags U. S. No.

1 2 90; tru Idaho Russet Burbanks 2 45 50; umphs U. S. No. 1 2 85; U. S.

Dakota common Michigan commercials Potatoes-100 100 cobblers old 2 lb 6. 35; lb bags and bags Early round U. Minnesota-North 8. Ohio's whites No. 1- 1 0000000000000500 Ct PITTSBURGH, May 13-(P) -Butter- -Steady; nearby tubs 92 score, extras standards 89 score 88 score 26.

Eggs--Nearby current receipts extra firsts 21; white extras Poultry--Alive, heavy hens 21 24; leghorn hens 18 20; colored broilers 24 27: leghorn broilers stags old roosters 146716; ducks geese 15 fresh killed full dressed hens 35c; undressed 30. 720, steady -specials (93 score) 027; extras (92) 26; extra firsts (90- CHICAGO, May (P)- -Butter, 9899 91) firsts (88-89) 25 standardes (90 centralized carlots) Co Eggs, 32,627. easy extra firsts local fresh graded firsts local Co cars current receipts Co firsts storage packed extras 22, storage packed Co Co TOLEDO GRAIN Co TOLEDO, May FL track (24c rate basis nominal.) Co Wheat, No. 2 red No. 3 red Co: Co Corn, No.

2 yellow No. 3 yel- Co low Col Co Oats, No. 2 white 20031: No. 3 white 25 Grain in store, transit billing attached; Co. wheat 5c above track quotation; cord above; oats above.

Co Hay unchanged. Co Co CHICAGO GRAIN TABLE Co Wheat- Open High Low Close May 92. 93 July Sept. Corn-May July Cu Sept. OatsMay 26 26 Cu July 251 Sept.

RyeMay 53. 54 53 53 July 53 Sept. 54 BarleyMay 37 July 39 Dis Weller Theater Tickets Given Each Day to Times Recorder-Signal Readers FRIDAY FRIDAY AND PETER B. KYNE'S AND SATURDAY GREAT SATURDAY ROMANCE 3 Godfathers -WithCHESTER MORRIS LEWIS STONE WALTER BRENNAN IRENE HERVEY STARTING WILL ROGERS In His Greatest Screen Hit SUNDAY "A Connecticut Yankee" Here's the Way to Win FREE Tickets The Times Recorder and Signal the Weller Theater to give guest Classified each Dept. has arranged with rect entries answering the questions listed day to the nearest cortickets questions can be found in the Ads below.

Answers to all themselves. Answers should be sent to the or from the advertisers Theater, not later than the day following Contest Manager. Weller specify at the beginning which and publication, and should paper the day they are from. 1. What size and type Ice box grocery and meat someone want to does market? buy for 3: What Where is can given you free buy with five gallons of paint? Where? types? used sewing machines? What makes and 4.

Locate the farm that is for feed is included. sale or trade with which stock and LER THEATRE. WINNERS GOOD WHO WILL GET TUESDAY'S FOR ONE WEEK FROM TICKETS TODAY, AT THE EXCEPTING WELBATURDAY AND SUNDAY Betty Sims Mrs. Ida Boles Mrs. Louise Watts Mrs.

Rufus Mankey Jimmie Edwards Mrs. Robert Smith Mrs. MIN. R. L.

McCloud Bessie Quinn Beatrice Streets Mrs. Nellie Teetz Dr Du.

The Times Recorder from Zanesville, Ohio (2024)
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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

Phone: +2202978377583

Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.