The Memphis Press-Scimitar from Memphis, Tennessee (2025)

Page 12 More For Eaty Home Fund GrowingShort of Goal The mail brought: $46 today from who want to see the Ealy family move into a bright new home. This makes a total of $1594.40 in the Ealy Horne Fund. Ealy, his wife Beatrice, andryal nine children have been helped greatly by the generosity of warm MidSoutherners responded when they learned thru The Press-Scimitar of destitute condition of the Corning, family. The fund to build them a new house is still quite a way from enough. Gifts may be sent to The Press-Scimitar, 495 Union.

Ealy Home Fund Previously acknowledged $1548.40 Today's gifts 46.00 MEMPHIS PRESS-SCIMITAR, FRIDAY, JANUARY 29, 1960 Marked Money Traps Veteran Tax Agent By United Press International DETROIT. A veteran federal tax agent, accused of ACa $1700 bribe, today (carting "This is the of my life for Ben Valensky, 52, was arrested by FBI agents yesterday on from charges a of soliciting "dealer whose tax returns he had been assigned to investigate. He was nabbed as he left the East Detroit home of Carl M. with $1700 in marked money Hunt, his pockets. He said he needed money because of incurred when A serious illness hospitalized him for several weeks.

Police Will Guard Ohio Negro Family By United Press International Total to date $1594.40 The Rufus Gillam family LaClede Lodge 258, IC. Elizabeth v. National East month ago. This week, the fam- Acme Fast Freight and UniverToday's givers: moved into a $21,000 home a Memphis Lodge 433, Frisco, WEINMAN'S 2575 SUMMER AVE. JOE PHONE FA 7-9487 GENE AMAGLIANI Maury Friend $101 R.

Civic Club Nelson $5 5 ily received two threatening sal Carloading. 108 BEALE ST. PHONE JA 6-4418 Caldwell Lumber Friend notes, both signed "KKK." Shelby Lodge No. 1293, IC Sales 5 Umm SHOP FRIDAY AND SATURDAY STORES OPEN 9:30 A.M. 'TIL 9 P.M.

End Month DAYS 3 big days! Terrific buys in winter merchandise! White sale goods! Cotton dress event! ONE GROUP WINTER CLEARANCE ONE GROUP Parks- BLOUSES, Clearance SLACKS, CAR Women's COATS, SWEATERS, Sportswear CAR GIRLS' COATS, SWEATERS, WINTER DRESSES, CLOTHING Exceptional WOMEN'S in velvets, velour, WINTER wool hats. HATS Belk COATS, PEDAL 2.99 BROKEN to PUSHERS, 14.99 SIZES OFF BLOUSES, Reg. GOWNS, SLIM 1.99 to P. JIMS, J's. 10.99 ROBES, OFF Assorted styles, buys colors.

Values to 8.99. 100 DEPARTMENT STORES STOCK UP NOW ON NEW SPRING COTTON SHOE CLEARANCE ENTIRE STOCK WOMEN'S ONE GROUP WHITE SALE GOODS DRESSES WOMEN'S DRESS SHOES FALL- WINTER DRESS CASUALS FLATS AAA-8 width DRESSES REDUCED We're peacock- proud of the famous Suede and smooth leather Assorted fabrics and styles, broken sizes. Values to 5.99 3.00 mill fabrics, the delicious colors Reg. 5.99 to 17.99 2.00 to 7.00 Values to 6.99 4.00 the extra -pretty details SPECIAL PURCHASE 43-PIECE CHILDREN'S SHOES EVERY DRESS Values to 9.99 5.00 OUR OWN 2.77 DINNERWARE SET TWO BIG TABLES STATE PRIDE SERVICE FOR 8 GIRLS' AND BOYS' BIG SAVINGS MELAMINE COPOLYMER WINTER DRESS AND ON SHEETSUNBREAKABLE OXFORDS. BROKEN PILLOW CASES 8 cups, 8 saucers, 8 plates 8 soup-cereal bowls, 8 desserts SIZES 130 COUNT MUSLIN SHEETS creamer, sugar with lid Regularly priced to 6.99.

While they Long low price, wide tape selvages, fine weave last. wear, 10.00 .00 set white sheets and cases. 3.00 pair Twin fitted or flat 81x99" 1.51 ONE GROUP Full, fitted or flat 81x108" FAMOUS MILL cases 42x37" 2 for 1.71 LARGE ASSORTMENT FABRICS TOYS PRINTS NOVELTY WEAVE DOLLS COTTON SATIN DOLL FURNITURE TWILL WAGONS CORDS TRICYCLES WASH 'N WEAR GUN SETS VALUES TO 1.29 YD. FAMOUS NAME GUNS 2 yards 1.00 OFF Pink, Cardigan blue, gray. cotton 12-20; checks.

ONE GROUP MEN'S SPECIAL SELECTION 2.77 SUITS ONE GROUP Flannel Worsted Blends Decorator LAMPS decorate 36 to 46 Broken Sizes Ceramic, Glass and metal bases were now -white, green and red taffeta every 29.95. 23.00 shades high. room Values from 7.99 to 12.99. in 25.00 your 34.95 39.95 32.00 OFF house! 49.95 39.88 DRAW DRAPERIES ONE GROUP BOYS' Custom made look at a budget price. Famous ONE GROUP MEN'S WINTER WEAR name draperies, ready to hang! Bright prints, soft pastels--If perfect would sell from 5.99 to CAR COATS, FLANNEL SHIRTS.

Size 2-18 8.99 pair. Red, yellow, pink, JACKETS, brown, beige on light background. Solid: nutReg. 1.00-1.99 CAR COATS-JACKETS meg, turquoise, gold, surf. SWEATERS 3-18.

Reg. 3.90-14.99 Asst. fabrics, broken sizes. Regularly CAPS, LEATHER CORD GABARDINE, 1.00-2.99 4.00.

pair OFF Eastern Drapery Traverse Rods Acetate and cotton novelty. OFF Buffon-tab woven plaid. Pink, blue, gray. 38-44; green; 12-20. 2.77 2.77 PARKS-BELK PARKS-BELK Shop our drapery hardValues so super-special we worked for weeks, to have them ready for ware department for now.

Come, look through the racks see style after style! Feel the all PARK CENTER SUMMER CENTER drapery hardware. you fabrics, crisp firm weaves just meant for exciting details like tucked fronts, bias-cut bindings, exact-match stripes. Lots of wash-n-wear's of courseyour PARK AVE. AT GETWELL SUMMER AVE. AT WARING RD.

all with that dollars-more look that tells your world you're a smart shopperl Seven Lodges Will Install Railway-Steamship Clerks to Convene Officers of seven lodges will be sworn in at the 22nd annual of Memphis District Brotherhood of Railway Steamship Clerks Express and Station Employes at a dinner dance at Hotel Clarlidge at 6:30 p.m. tomorrow. William McGovern, general vice president representing the railroads, and Bob Morgan, general vice president representing express workers, both of Cincinnati, will officiate. Mayor and Mrs. Henry Loeb will be honor guests, along with general chairmen for the lodges from the various railroads.

H. M. Beller, president of Memphis District Council, will preside. The brotherhoods participating include: Bluff City Lodge 507, Rock Island, Cotton Belt, Pullman and Memphis Union Station employes. Chickasaw Lodge 580, and Southern.

Dixie Lodge 297, Hull Award To Sam Rayburn By United Press International of (State Christian A. Herter last night presented the Cordell Hull Memorial Award to Speaker Sam Rayburn Texas), The award, for "vision and statesmanship" in furthering the international trade policies of Franklin D. Roosevelt's secretary of state, was presented at a dinner of the committee of a national trade policy. Rayburn said, "In a time when our relations with our sister' American republics are troubled it might pay us to try to envision how Cordell Hull would have treated this situation." Hull favored free trade. Johnston Yards.

Tri-State Lodge 2052, Railway Senator For Local Option The Press- Correspondent -Lowndes COLUMBUS, Miss. -Lowndes County Setup W. H. Jolly said he would support a local option whisky bill if the law providing it "had teeth in it." The newly elected state senator told Columbus Kiwanians he also opposed repeal of the black market liquor tax because The ListeneR by OTARION Jones Hearing Aids' 1626 Exchange Bldg. JA 5-6787 Quality Clothing For The Whole Family Easiest of Terms The PALACE Your Charge Account Invited 214-216 SOUTH ST.

MONEY TO LOAN ON ANYTHING OF VALUE DIAMONDS WATCHES JEWELRY SHOTGUNS GOLF -CLUBS TYFEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES ELECTRIC. FANS RADIOS such a measure take money out of of legitimate taxpayers "would only it into the the pockets legger. and put Jolly said he pockets of the boot- in local felt that believed strongly part of self-government, and local option constituted such self-government. LOWEST PRICED! 1960 Frigidaire "PUMP" AGITATOR 5-Year AUTOMATIC WASHER WITH Guarantee NO MONEY DOWN TRADE WW On FREE Mechanism Model ONLY WS-60 NORMAL Liberal Allowance For Your Trade INSTALLATION Look At These Features: 25" Automatic bleaching New lid opens to the (powder or liquid) side--supports A full Special setting for Wash load of clothes We Service What We Sell APPLIANCE CENTER DIV. MEMPHIS MOTORCYCLE CO--EST.

1917. YOUNGSTOWN, Frank Franko moved, today to provide police protection for a negro family that has received threats after moving into a predominately white neighborhood. Franko acted in response to an appeal by the local chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. He said police would be on guard starting today..

The Memphis Press-Scimitar from Memphis, Tennessee (2025)
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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

Phone: +18682428114917

Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.