a 4 4 4 THE COMMERCIAL APPEAL, MEMPHIS, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 11, 1943 23 Shop 89 N. MAIN Opposite Court Square WOOL FELT Pomp-Beret Black, Brown, Red. Kelly Pink, Navy, Beige, Lilac, Ice 125 Turf, Blue, Sizes and 22. BELTING RIBBON BERET Black, Brown, Navy, Turftan, ly, White, Pink, Red, KelSunni Blue, Ice 125 Beige, Send Pomp-Beret Belting Beret Name Address City Colors Check or money order encl. Phone or mail orders (add 150 for mailing, please.) MEN WARNED BY FBI TO HAVE DRAFT CARDS Investigation of Delinquents 'Progressing Smoothly' BOARDS LIST INDUCTEES All men of draft age must carry their classification as well as registration carda for six months, Percy Wyly, special agent "In charge of the local Federal Bureau of Investigation office, warned yesterday.
Declaring that Investigation of draft delinquents has been "progreasing smoothly," Mr. Wyly said that though individuals might be stopped for questioning by FBI men, possibilities of a mass "slacker raid" were slim. Boards Seven and Nine yesterday announced that the following men have been recently inducted into the armed services: From Board Seven Vernon Jerry Webb, 203 Stonewall; Jessie Bumpus 3276 Macon Road: Lawrence Edward Scott, 3110 Allison; Floyd Winnell Wilmoth, 1469 Standridge; William Edward Crane Evansville, Virgil Walter Bryan, 1354 a Standridge; Charles Chris Nickas, 795 Garland; Luke Thomas Connable, 3553 Coleman; Noah Wessley Murphree, 991 Blythe; Clarence Howard Price, 1771 Faxon; Curtis Deen, 835 North Watkins. Walker Hall, Germantown, Charles Allen Dacus, 3358 Coleman; Eugene Robbins, Eastmoreland: Thomas Patrick Foran, Omaha, Edward Neufville Adams 2443 Faxon; William Clyde Peterson, 3297 Bowen; William Henry Vester, 1868 Snowden; Charles Wayne Talley, 879 WashIngton; James Clarence Bryan, 769 North Evergreen; William Elliot McEwen 804 Hollywood. Walter Hammond Barfield 836 North Garland; Harold Marvin Thompson, 17 North Camilla: Herman Tyus, 1018 Thomas; William Frank Moore, 656 North Holmes; Robert Louis Pennington, 1605 Oakwood; Dudley Wayne Sherman, 3542 Mayflower; Herman Lafayette Duncan, 137 Scott; George Douglass Duncan, Route 1, Box 243; Patrick James Burke, 805 North Garland: James Thomas Ray, 966 Elizabeth Place; Jerome Lehman Caldwell, New Orleans.
Billie Farrell Lewis, 1667 Faxon; Whitmel Gilmer Reed, 717 West Drive; Robert Oliver Utter, 666 Eva. Robert Paul Haas, New Orleans; Floyd Emmet McKinney, 191 West Iowa; Claud Steelman 2312 Sanders; Finley Arthur Russell, 3502 Stanton; James Walker Patillo, Mobile; John Robert McDonald Cleveland, Ohio; Curtis Paschall Maynard, 894 North Watkins: Edward Lesley Chander, 1381 Bryan; Lonnie George Sorrell Houston, Texas. Tutwiler: Arthur Hale Griffin, 1609 Charles Earl McCrory 3207 Eastmoreland; William Jennings Bryan, 1429 Standridge; Robert Bernard Noe, 2284 Golden; David Lincoln Jolly 835 North Graham; Sylvester Stephen Berta, Avalon: Lorenzo Dow Crews, Knoxville; Robert Joseph Fowler, 815 Atlantic; Morison Buck, 908 Maury; Claude Elmo Woolam, 301 Meridian, Aberdeen, Robert Eugene Moyes, 3304 Givens; gene Doyle 1034 North Holmes. De Witt Talmage Page Joliet, Jack Leo Gaither, 1225 Fairfax; Edwin Francis Rusterholz, Kansas City; Frank Smythe Heckle, 50 South Morrison; William Edward Moore, 3369 Farmville Road; Robert Junior Sowell, 1333 Fairfax; Joseph William Wild- STORE HOURS: Thursday: 12 to 10 to 6 P.M. MANGELS Saturday: 10 to 9 Feminine Apparel Open a Charge Account for 51-53 N.
MAIN ST. Your Convenience Polka Dot Skirt Dickey and Plain Jacket Special! A costume- a skirt and dicky of rayon polka dot crepe- plain jacket of rayon weave--a whale of a value. It flatters your figure with slick, slim lines over your hips. Cash in on comfort and flattery. SIZES: 12 to 20 Maid Of Cotton Finds Surprise In Florida er Mayfield, Earl Roberts Horn, 740 North Watkins; William Emmett Armour 872 North Evergreen; John Edward Butler 1449 Faxon; Emil Franklin Rhodes, 730 Maury; Leon on Hays, 3573.
Mayflower; Kenneth Morgan Castleman, Oak Grove, Jammie Franklin Roberson, El Dorado, Ark. Joe Raymond Fitzpatrick, Blytheville, Joseph Theodore Thorn, Birmingham; Clarence Thomas Minton, Marion, William Lofton, Paducah, David Arthur Bussell Jr. El Dorado, Evaston Percy Griggs, Friendship, Charles Diestel Shepard, Mobile; George Wearon Lamport, Jackson, Henry John Budzinski, Buffalo, N. James Carlton Bridgeman, Judsonia, John Wilford Albright, Obion, Charles Finley Davis, Corinth, Charles Lucian Wooten, Nashville; Ostelle Hunt McCullough, Ruth, Miss. Joe Bob Davenport, Little Rock; Leo Circus, Philadelphia; Harry Derrick Hipp, Charlotte, N.
Norman Leycester Hodges, East Point, Merton Lawrence Davies, 1450 Hollywood; Harry Earl Cummings, Akron, Ohio; Lawrence Carnell Thompson, Mobile: McComb Ballard Raiford Ruth, Joseph Farris Albright, Obion, Vernon Eugene Fleet, 1480 Boxwood; James Edward Starnes, 3505 Mayflower; James Wentzel McLaughlin Forest Hill, James Franklin Sharpe, 3427 Powell: Wilson Hayes Erwin, 1605 Madison: Wallace Port Reasons, 128 Stonewall. From Board 9 Fred Arthur Craig, 582-H Camilla; Ernest Joseph Grose, 1409 Agnes Place; Johnnie Edward Fleming, New Orleans; Joe Thomas Sanders, 903 Vance; Jones Thomas Corlew, 1837 Evelyn; Humphrey Michael Newsom, 2096 Felix; Howard Franklin Beard, 1691 Glenview: Morris Jacob Weissberger, 1176 Dorothy Place; Ira Kneeland Booker 2087 Nelson; John Thurman Archer, 877 South Willett; Early Hobson Maxwell, 818 Jefferson; Henry Joseph Dorwart, 991 Kyle. Marshall Page Thompson, Fort Smith, James Edward Collier, 1566 Foster: John Joseph Fravega 1232 Snowden: John Francis Aylesworth, 1959 Higbee; William loma; Ellis Frank Strickland, 310 Jerome Humphries, 780 A Kerr; Charles John Goggio, 1323 LopaEast McLemore; Charles Edward Kirk, 1712 Kendale; Allen Lyle Brock, 1844 Felix; James Ryan Dolan 2358 La Rose; James Woodrow McClearen, a 1160 Central: John Alexander Moorman, 1473 Shadowlawn. Joseph Herman Weber, 438 Stonewall; Henry Pitts, Hughes, Pryor Upton Couch, Post Office 2133: John Thomas Ryan 3622 Kearney; Ebb Deaton, 1275 Eastmoreland; Frederick William Hofer, 1664 Nelson; Wade, Noice Siler, 1000 Rayner; Alfred Curtis Hansen, 592- Camilla: Egbert Graham Queen, 277 Cossitt: Arthur Wooten 1929 Harbert; James Joseph Lyne, 2062 Oliver; Benito John Andreuccetti, 1466 Walker. Clovis Crawson Younger, 717 Tate; Robert Louis Braun, 197 Cossitt; Eugene Barnon Daws, 1596 Kendale: Johnnie Edward Sneed, 1500 Lamar; Jack Kenneth Turner, 1929 Oliver; Elmer La Verne Hewitt II, 1180 Central; Lloyd Hugh Lemser, 1065 Arkansas: William Barron Walls, 2046 Nelson: Ralph Wood Hamby, 937 Philadelphia; Walter Joseph Phelan 1936 Cowden; Ernest Edwin Baker, 680 Mansfield; Charles Reeves Shapard, 2046 Oliver: Charles Eugene Montgomery, 1161 North Evergreen.
Nathan Archer Moore 2001 Oliver; William Louis Pedretty, 1657 Evelyn; Eugene Edward Glaser, 748 South Barksdale; Sylvo Joseph Cavallo, 1123 East Trigg: Howard Lee Whitten, 673-G Somerville: Franklin Haywood Archer, 1214 Riverside: Jodie Henry Trice, 201 Wisconsin: Charles Marion Kemp, 1125 Peabody; Harvey Edgar Kolb, 254 South Dudley; Robert Ellison Love 749 Snowden Circle: James Frazier Jaquess, 1631 Nelson; Zack Lee Phillips, Mobile. Robert Harrell Boswell, 1043 Indiana; Cornelius Timothy Sullivan, 1173 Vance; Roland Irwin Lyons, 568 Edgewood; Raphael Wesley Now I Wear Slacks And Look Swell Since 1 Lost That Ugly Fat You adult fat people may often slim down without starvation diets and backbreak. ins exercises when Jour excess fat due to thyroid deficiency and you have nothing else the matter with you. Just eat sensibly and take Marmola lets only according to the recommendations and instructions with the package. Marmola is not eure-all, If in doubt any time about ability of treatment and for further formation as to the properties and fects of the Marmola Ingredienta, consult physician.
If you need Marmola, why not lose those uncomfortable pounds the Marmola Don't delay. Druggists have sold more then twenty million packasse during the pass thirty years. 600 MASONS ATTEND TWO-COUNTY SESSION L. C. Connell Warns Members To Aid More In War RED CROSS WORK PRAISED Approximately 600 Masons from Shelby and Fayette Counties braved intermittent March showers last night to attend the district Masonic meeting at the Scottish Rite Cathedral and were sharply reprimanded for not contributing more to the war effort, L.
C. Connell, grand treasurer, warned the Masons that it they were not careful and lay down on their jobs there would be much useless suffering in this country. Suffering which can be avoided if each and every man will "do his part." Quota Is $500,000 "Secretary of the Treasury Morgenthau has asked Tennessee Masonry to purchase $500,000 worth of War Bonds and Stamps by June of this year," Mr. Connell said, adding that $302,985 has been invested so far. Mr.
Connell heaped praise on the work being done weekly at the Grand Lodge Building by Red Cross workers and others caring for about 125 service men who sleep in the lodge basement every Saturday night, Red Cross workers, laboring seven days each week, produced 130,000 bandages during February, Mr. Connell said, adding, "Yet we are short about 400,000 bandages to date." May Presides Patriotic backgrounds and emphasis on the war marked the meeting, presided over by Wiley O. May, district chairman, The Rev. Woodward A. Adams, grand chaplain, said the invocation and John B.
Vesey, general secretary of the Scottish Rite bodies, welcomed the delegates from 22 lodges. A solemn audience, liberally sprinkled with uniforms of the Army, Navy and Marine Corps. stood rigidly at attention while the Greek Hellenic Orthodox Church Choir, under direction of Miss Labora Larose, sang the National Anthem. The Rev. Mr.
Adams delivered the principal address in the absence of Arch E. McClanahan, who WAS unable to attend because of the death of his father at Nashville. POLICE RADIO MEN QUIT Bryant, Swan Will Serve With Army Air Transport Command John Allan Bryant. chief engineer of WPEC, the police radio station, and Leo Swan assistant chief radio engineer, yesterday tendered their resignations, effective March 21, preparatory to serving with the Army Air Transport Command. Handling flight radio operations, they will be based in Memphis, assuming their new duties March 22.
Milton McCoy will succeed Mr. Bryant as chief radio engineer and W. K. Howell will fill Mr. Swan's position as assistant chief radio engineer.
Mr. Swan, who lives at 1658 East McLemore, has been at Barksdale since 1, 1936, and was formerly radio dispatcher at downtown Police Headquarters. Mr. Bryant, 311 Gilmore Apartments, went to Barksdale on May 1, 1940. Madame Cuts Tour NEW YORK, March -Mme.
Chiang Kai-shek's physicians Wednesday ordered curtailment well as postponement of her transcontinental tour AS her husband, the Chinese Generalissimo. cabled his wife not to overstrain herself. Her doctors said her activities had "decreased her narrow margin of reserve SALES SOAR IN FEBRUARY Department Stores' Business 55 Per Cent Above 1942 Memphis department store sales in February were 55 per cent larger than last February, the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis reported yesterday. For the first two months of the year the department store business 29 per cent greater, and it was is per cent more in February than in January, For the entire district February sales were 29 per cent higher than last February, Duties Divided Out Duties W.
J. (Bill) Raney, signed recently to become chief deputy sheriff at Blytheville, Ark. are being performed by police captains and other officers, Chief Sea brook said yesterday. ACHING-STIFF I SORE MUSCLES For PROMPT relief- -rub on Mus terole! Massage with this wonderful actually bring fresh warm blood to aching muscle: to help break up painful local con gestion. Better than an old-fashione.
mustard plaster! In 3 strengths, MUSTEROLE Announcing A New Course CLERICAL-TYPING Short intensive preparation for clerical positions; also for civil service examinations. Part-or-full-time. The Miller -Hawkins School 158 Madison Telephone 8-6461 It was pleasant surprise all around the other day when Miss Bonnie Beth Byler, 1943 Maid of Cotton, ran into Horace Hull (left) and Palmer Brown (right) of Memphis at the Rotary luncheon in Jacksonville, where Miss Byler was special guest. Mr. Hull and Mr.
Brown, former presidents of the Memphis Rotary Club, are in Florida on business. The Maid of Cotton sented Clifford A. Payne, Jacksonville Rotary president, with the official state seal from Governor Adkins of Arkansas. Scott, 2092 Jefferson; Marshal Bryan Drew Decatur, Frederick Denman, 1892 Walker: Bennie Edwin Mitchell, 2023 Waverly. Major To Address Silver Wings Club Paul Perkins of Ferrying Group To Speak Silver Wings Club will hold a meeting tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock at the club room at the Peabody, where the members will convene to hear Maj.
Paul Perkins of the Fourth Ferrying Group give a brief talk. The club, which is headed by Mrs. C. L. Duke, is composed of wives, mothers and sisters of men in the Army Air Forces.
Mrs. R. P. Bolling is in charge of tomorrow's program, which will include several other speakers. All members are urged to attend.
Other officers include Mrs. C. Wyatt and Mrs. L. A.
Nordin, first and second vice presidents, T. L. Walker, secretary, and Mrs. N. C.
Sansing, treasurer. Cooper-Cook Nuptials Pledged At Hernando Mrs. F. M. Dyer of 1620 Oakwood announces the marriage of her daughter, Alsine Cook, to James Thomas Cooper of Cordova.
The ceremony was performed at Hernando, Miss. The bride wore blue marquisette with harmonizing accessories. Mrs. Cooper attended Tech High School and Mr. Cooper was graduated from the Germantown High School.
He has been a chemist with the Buckeye Cotton Oil Co. for the past six months and will leave tomorrow for Ft. Oglethorpe to begin his service in the Army. SERVICES TO BE SIMPLE Naval Hospital Will Be. Dedicated Next Wednesday The Naval Hospital at Millington will be commissioned at 10:30 o'clock Wednesday morning with a "simple ceremony," Capt.
E. J. McDermott, commanding officer of the hospital, announced yesterday. LAYMEN READY TO AID MENTALLY DISTURBED Social Agencies Group Will Help Those Maladjusted pected to be increased to 40 beds, but that these will not be sufficient for the minor cases since they all will be needed for the persons having major psychiatric difficulties. Members elected to the Community Fund Board by the council for a three-year term were Mrs.
Willis C. Campbell, Mrs. W. C. Chaney, Mrs.
R. Brinkley Snowden, Hugo Dixon, and Fred Lucas, the latter the unexpired term of A. E. Hoenberg, who has joined the armed forces. Those elected to the Community Fund Budget Committee for one year were Miss Mary Wood Davis, Mrs.
Abe Waldauer, W. C. Butler Edward Longinotti, and Mr. Wilson. The Council of Social Agencies yesterday authorized Bryan Wilson, president, to appoint a committee to work with the Gailor Psychiatric Hospital, the University of Tennessee Medical School, and the Memphis and Shelby County Medical Society to determine to what extent laymen can help in solving the problem of mental maladjustment in Memphis.
The recommendation followed talk by Dr. T. S. Hill, director of the hospital, in which he stressed the need for an internal setup consisting of a mental-hygiene committee to work in collaboration with the medical association in minor mental cases. He said there is no arrangement here to care for minor cases and i that few cities do have such a provision.
pointed out that there are now 20 beds at the hospital and that after July the number is ex- POLICE PROBE CONTINUES Seabrook Still Investigating Complaints Of "Shortchange" Chief of Police Seabrook said yesterday that his investigation into complaints by negroes that they were not refunded by the desk sergeant all taken from them at city moneys still incomplete. He said he had not completed interviewing about 20 negroes arrested in a dice raid Saturday night on Boston, including more than 12 who complained Monday night that all of their money was not returned when they were released from jail. He said again he still is waiting for a written report on the case from Reeves before he could conclude his investigation. FACTORY AUTHORIZED FRIGIDAIRE SERVICE Day 2-1195 Night 3-2138 McGREGOR'S, MEMPHIS Inc. Jan hardly tell it from pure vanilla" after That's what their many first women bottle say of costs using McCormick Baking Magic.
Use i it about in all recipes, just like pure ever made. much vanilla. It's the finest substitute P.S. For over 30 years, millions of women have voted McCormick Pure Vanilla Extract "tops" and they always will. M' CORMICA BAKING MAGIC FULL STRENGTH FLAVOR IMITATION VANILLA EXTRACT MCCORMICK GUARANTEE Use a bounce or 2-ounce bottle PURE VANILLA of refund return either.
to If not grocer money. delighted, and he simply will your BEST KNOWN MEDICINEmade especially to relieve 'PERIODIC' FEMALE PAIN And Its Weak, Cranky, Nervous FeelingsTake heed if you, like so mAny women and girls, have any or all of these symptoms: Do you on such days suffer cramps, headaches, backache, weak, nervous feelings, distress of "irregularities" due to functional monthly disturbances? Then start at once--try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Pinkham's Compound is so help- thousands of women report benefits! ful to relieve such distress because There are no harmful opiates in of its soothing effect on ONE OF Pinkham's Compound -it contains WOMAN'S MOST IMPORTANT ORGANS. nature's own roots and herbs Taken regularly thruout the month fied with Vitamin Br).
Also a fine -it helps build up resistance against stomachic tonic! Follow label die such symptoms. Thousands upon rections. Worth trying! Lydia E. Pinkham's VEGETABLE COMPOUND strength." Lewis' Young-Fellows-Shop For Ages 4 to 20 Spring 4 in the Everything for a boy's Spring outfit is here at Lewis' Young-Fellows-Shop, awaiting your inspection. Bring the boys in today.
Boys' and Students' Smart SPORT COATS Solids, plaids, stripesthe kind that every boy 10.95 likes and wants. Sizes 10 to 40. 16.75 Boys' Army and Naval Officer UNIFORMS Made of quality gabarand blue for navy. Sizes dine--in khaki for army 893 4 to 10 Caps to match, $1 A wonderful assortment of BOYS' SLACKS Short pants sizes 6 to 10. 82 2.50 Boys' long slacks, sizes 10 to 3.50 up Little Fellows SPRING SUITS Boys' 6 to 10 Tu- Short tones.
pants. 10.93 WASH SUITS Sizes 5 Several clever styles. fine bray. AND Boys' Quality Short pant SPORT SHIRTS suits. sizes 2.93 to 10.
Sizes 4 to 20. $1 to 2.95 Boys Windbreaker LEWIS Sizes 4 to 20. COATS Home of Hart Schaffner a Mare Clothes 3.95 145-151 SO. MAIN ST. OPEN TONITE TILL.
9 YOU CAN STRETCH MY HOW? MORE FOR I GIVE YOU PEBECO THAN AVERAGE OF YOUR MONEY TOOTH 6 TOOTH OTHER POWDERS LEADING POWDER IN AND PEBECO PETE ADDS: "No other dentifrice cleans teeth better Pebeco tastes peppy, too. You needn't turn in a used tube to get Pebeco Get Pebeco today' put the pennies you save into War Stamps." Cope. 1948, by Lehn Fink Products Corp. 01 GIANT 3': 25. BIG, 10.