How To Deal With Bandits Properly In Path Of Exile 3.25? (2024)

  • The much-anticipated Path of Exile 3.25 Settlers of Kalguur was officially released to players some time ago. Besides bringing new league, Settlers of Kalguur league also brings players an interesting town called Kingsmarch.

    In this town, you can use some wisdom and strategy to make it a very prosperous town, and the most important thing is shipping. You can use the shipping mechanism to trade with some ports to get the ultimate reward. This guide will introduce you to how this new mechanism works and how to use strategies correctly to maximize your returns from this.

    How Does Shipping Work?

    Relationship System

    Shipping in POE 3.25 is based on the relationship system between your Kingsmarch and other countries. This means that the better your relationship with a country, the more rewards you will get from it. So how to establish friendly relations? Just send them the resources that the country needs, and your reward multiplier will double.

    Favored Resources

    Those country-specific resources are called favored resources. But you need to be aware that these favored resources are not immutable. As long as you send a batch of resources, a preview of the next batch of favored resources will appear, allowing you to prepare early.

    In addition, repeatedly sending goods to the same port while fulfilling these requests will increase your favorability and total rewards. This is very useful in the early stages of building a town because it will bring you a lot of POE Currency as a reward. In this mechanism, each resource type corresponds to a different type of reward:

    • Food - POE Currency
    • Crimson Iron - Armor
    • Orichalcum - Weapons
    • Petrified Amber - Jewelry
    • Bismuth - Gems & Flasks & Jewels & Ward Armor
    • Verisium - Scarabs & Stacked Decks & Fossils & Rogue Markers & Unique Items & Splinters

    Shipment Value

    In Path of Exile 3.25, you need to pay attention to the fact that Total Shipment Value is not the same as the multiplier for rewards, but a calculator for risk. If you send some non-favored resources to a country, it will definitely not increase the country’s favorability towards you, which is a waste of resources.

    So, as mentioned just now, take a close look at the preview of the next batch of Favored Resources that appears after each resource is sent.


    Here, Dust is the rarity multiplier of the reward. If you add more Dust to the resources you send, the rarity of the items you receive in return will also increase, but it should be noted that the number of returns will also decrease.

    Although Dust will help the value of your Shipment, the increase in returns is not so significant. So you can find a balance between not wasting Dust and getting a good return, which is worth your time to explore.

    Risk Percentage

    Risk Percentage is mainly determined by the value of Shipment and the current level of the crew. It should be noted here that the value of Shipment is inversely proportional to the risk. The higher the value of Shipment, the higher the risk. However, the crew level is proportional to the risk. The lower the level, the greater the risk.

    What Rewards Will Each Port Give You?

    As you just learned, the same ore will give you many different rewards, depending on the port you send your ship to. Here are the specific rewards you will get at each port:

    Riben Fel

    It is the most common port, and some items you get are random.

    • Crimson - Random Armor
    • Orichalcum - Random Weapons
    • Petrified Amber - Rings
    • Bismuth - Quality or Vaal Skill Gems
    • Verisium - Scarabs


    It mainly provides you with Strength gear.

    • Crimson - Strength Armor
    • Orichalcum - Strength Weapons
    • Petrified Amber - Belts
    • Bismuth - Quality Support Gems
    • Verisium - Stacked Decks


    It mainly provides you with Intelligence gear.

    • Crimson - Intelligence Armor
    • Orichalcum - Intelligence Weapons
    • Petrified Amber - Amulets
    • Bismuth -Flasks
    • Verisium - Fossils or Rogue Markers

    Te Onui

    It mainly provides you with Dexterity gear.

    • Crimson - Dexterity Armor
    • Orichalcum - Dexterity Weapons
    • Petrified Amber - Jewelry (with Quality)
    • Bismuth - Jewels (can be double corrupted)
    • Verisium - Unique Items


    Although it provides you with random items, the quality is better than Riben Fel.

    • Crimson - Random Armor
    • Orichalcum - Random Weapons
    • Petrified Amber - Rings or Belts
    • Bismuth - Ward Armor
    • Verisium - Splinters (Breach, Timeless, Simulacrum, Ritual)

    How To Maximize Your Shipping Rewards?

    To maximize your shipping rewards, you should first focus on Favored Resources. When you only transport the resources needed by a country on a ship, you can increase its favorability towards you and maximize your rewards.

    Secondly, you also need to pay attention to the ports that can help you increase your favorability. You can focus on 2-3 ports instead of all ports for sending resources. In addition, as mentioned above, Ores are not as rewarding as Bars, so you can smelt Ores into Bars before sending resources to get 5 times the reward and POE Currency.

    Finally, you also need to pay attention to balancing the use of Dust and strengthening your crew level appropriately. This will make your entire transportation process safer and more efficient, and will also reduce some unnecessary results.

    The above is some information and tips on the shipping mechanism in Path of Exile 3.25 Settlers of Kalguur, and how to increase your Shipping Rewards. I hope you can rely on this mechanism to build your commercial town as soon as possible!

  • What Are The Changes To Apostate Unique Body Armor In POE 3.25 League?

    Apostate is a Unique Body Armor that was added to POE 3.24 Necropolis league. It is an exclusive drop from Uber Cortex.

    But why are we bringing this unique item up again? Because in Path of Exile 3.25 Settlers of Kalguur, Apostate received a huge indirect buff through three notable changes: Quality, New Base Types, and improved Life Modifiers.

    This item has a very special modifier, inspired by Warlock of the Mists Wildwood Ascendancy from Affliction League, which grants Maximum Life from the equipped Armor item instead of Maximum Energy Shield. Therefore, any Energy Shield that exists as a defense stat will be obtained from Boots, Gloves, Helmet and Shield slots, granting Maximum Life.

    Note that this only includes the local Energy Shield of the armor items themselves, and does not include any Energy Shield gained from any global modifiers present on those items.

    New Changes

    Now, how exactly has Apostate been buffed in POE 3.25? Firstly, a number of new tiers of armor items have been added to the game, including new Energy Shield Base Types for Boots, Gloves, and Helmet slots, and these have ~45% higher average base Energy Shield than the highest tier in the last league. And that’s just the base Energy Shield, meaning you’ll also get more from any local modifiers as well.

    Additionally, Quality has also been changed in POE 3.25 to give more defense to armor items, rather than increasing the defense stat. This is another boost to the overall Energy Shield that these crafted items are able to achieve.

    Finally, the third change, which is also very important, is the massive increase in Maximum Life Modifiers that can be rolled onto armor items. These Modifiers have also been changed to give an average Maximum Life increase of ~45% compared to the last league.

    How To Choose The Best Gear Slot?

    All of these changes add up to an enormous boost to the potential of Apostate, so let’s really look at the potential with all of these changes factored into the item slots.

    Even though we’re looking at 20% Quality here, you can obviously get up to 30% Quality. Since they also don’t have Synthesis Implicits, you can get even more with items like Warlock Boots and Lich’s Circlet.

    Of course, it should be noted that these items will be very difficult to craft. For the new top Energy Shield Boots Base Type, Warlock Boots, you can get even more Energy Shield if you want to add movement speed to them. In this example, we’re going to add movement speed to them, and the item gives 199 Energy Shield and 129 Life.

    Then we have Warlock Gloves. Now you can see that you don’t need the extra modifier slots, the item’s movement speed potential goes up significantly, and has 317 Energy Shield and 129 Life. That’s ridiculous!

    The helmet is Lich’s Circlet, which gives a terrifying 468 Energy Shield and 144 Life. More importantly, all of these rolls are perfect, which is not very realistic at all.

    In addition, most Apostate builds will choose Rathpith Globe, because the item is incredibly powerful not only in combination with Apostate but also in Life Stacking builds in general.

    There are some exceptions, though, and you may not want to use Rathpith Globe in a Life Stacking RF build because its fire damage does not scale with the spell damage modifier. So we haven’t added a new Shield Base here, but the Quality changes and Life Modifier changes do affect Shield.

    There is also a Titanium Spirit Shield here, which has 421 Energy Shield and 159 Life. So if we look at all of these items together with the Apostate, we can get a total of 1,966 Maximum Life from Boots, Gloves, Shield, and Helmet slots.

    If you use a Rathpith Globe with max roll instead of a Titanium Spirit Shield, Maximum Life is 1,626 points, but you get 10% extra Maximum Life from the mod on Shield. From that perspective, that’s a lot of Life gain.

    I need to remind you that the items shown here are almost all Mirror-Tier gear. Even if Maximum Life you get from these gear slots is reduced by 20%, it’s still much higher than Maximum Life you can get from Mirror-Tier gear in the previous league. However, you need to consider whether your PoE Currency budget can afford these items accordingly.

    Dissolution Of The Flesh

    In addition, there is another key item worth mentioning, which is Dissolution of the Flesh. Although this Jewel has no special changes in PoE 3.25, many mechanical improvements have synergized well with this Jewel.

    Dissolution of the Flesh increases Life by 30% at max roll, so it is very powerful for Life Stacking builds. However, since any damage you take that would cause life loss is retained, that loss will cancel your life, and you need to wait a 2 second period during which you haven’t taken damage before the damage cancels the retention.

    Now, in POE 3.25, we’re also getting some vast improvements in Block, specifically Lucky Block on Gladiator Ascendancy. The developers have also improved the amount of block you can gain just by investing in nodes on the tree, which pairs really well with Dissolution of the Flesh. Because these Avoidance layers give you time to reset any life you retain from taking damage.

    Final Thoughts

    Apostate inspires a build that essentially just uses raw Life Stacking as its primary defense. It’s a grand concept, and it completely defines the build. You need to give up almost all of your Armor or Evasion and other sources of defense in pursuit of stacking a lot of life as your primary defense. That’s why things like Lucky Block have a lot of potential in a build like this.

    Regardless, Apostate is definitely the best choice for most Life Stacking builds in POE 3.25, and its very powerful Life Stacking is pretty much the best ever. What do you think of this Unique Body Armour? Do you want to try it? See you next time!

  • In the current Path of Exile 3.25 Settlers of Kalguur league, workers are the most important component of your Kingsmarch settlement. Without these valuable workers, your Kingsmarch will be a mess and not a prosperous town.

    But at the same time, they do things for you, and you need to pay them with Gold. Generally, these workers have an initial cost and an hourly wage. So before you start spending, shouldn’t you learn about them first?

    This guide will show you how to recruit these workers in your current league, and what you need to pay attention to when sending them. This will allow you to make the best use of your workers and build a prosperous town as quickly as possible.

    Where To Recruit?

    When you first enter Kingsmarch, you will find that you don’t have any workers, so you need to recruit some workers. But at this time, you need to pay attention to whether your recruitment area has been upgraded to the first level. If not, don’t panic, just spend some POE Currency.

    After upgrading, you can go to the town hall and look for a hammer icon next to The King’s Hand Johan. Click this icon to enter the recruitment stage. Here, you can talk to Recruiter Raulf, and he will open the recruitment page for you.

    On this recruitment page, on the left side of the screen are the workers you can currently hire, and on the right are the workers you have hired but are now idle. Each of them has a specialty, but they can also have a combination of multiple specialties, which are waiting for your subsequent exploration. Their specialties include:

    • Mining
    • Farming
    • Smelting
    • Shipping
    • Smelting
    • Disenchanting
    • Mapping

    As I said before, you can combine several specialties into one worker, which means that the salary will increase accordingly. So the best way is to hire the worker who is the best at each specialty and has no other additional specialties.

    If there is no worker you want on a page, or all the workers are unavailable to you, you can press the small button in the middle of the page to refresh the recruitment page, and more workers will appear. But I need to remind you that once workers with level 7 or higher professional skills appear on the page, it will be difficult for you to find some very good workers after refreshing.

    How To Increase The Upper Limit Of The Number Of Workers?

    In the beginning, you can only select 15 workers. If you want more worker capacity, you can upgrade the recruitment area next to Johan, up to 90. By the way, if you have too many idle workers, it will also cause a certain loss of POE Currency and Gold, so please do it within your means.

    Recruitment upgrades in Settlers of Kalguur League are specific resource levels that are available when you upgrade your other specialties, such as mining, farming, and smelting. Generally, you want to upgrade everything that can be upgraded with the resources you have, and then start planting, mining, smelting, and decomposing all new resources to upgrade to the next level.

    While you are upgrading your workers, you can’t be idle. Run as many maps as possible to get more Gold. Because Gold will become very valuable in the subsequent town construction.

    Do You Need To Pay Workers When They Are Idle?

    If you have been curious about the wages of workers, you can go to The King’s Hand Johan and open the manage town option. You will see that the wages of some workers who are working and some idle workers are calculated. And these idle workers are not included in the total wages you need to pay.

    Of course, if you send these idle workers to work, their hourly wages will increase. At the same time, removing or releasing idle workers will not affect the calculation of hourly wages, so the root of the problem is the total hourly wages when you actually have them working.

    Some workers with higher expertise may complete the tasks you send them to faster, while workers with lower expertise will take longer and you will have to pay more wages. At the same time, you should also note that Farming and Mapping are the two jobs that require the highest wages, so you must be careful when choosing workers.

    If you learn the correct strategy to use and send workers, you can spend the least Gold and they will bring you the most POE Currency.

    When Will The Workers Be Paid?

    Since idle workers are not paid, what about the workers who are sent out? Do they still need to be paid after their work is done? Strictly speaking, they are also idle. For example, if you send two workers who specialize in Mapping, their work will be completed after a period, but they will still show Mapping status.

    Don’t worry, they will not consume your gold at first. Once you put a new map into the map device, their hourly wage will increase in the manage town. The same is true for Mining, Smelting, Shipping, and Disenchanting. If the mined ore is smelted, they will stop until new ore is available. Shipping crews will rest after sailing and will not increase their work. So don’t worry.

    The above is some information and tips about Kingsmarch workers in Path of Exile 3.25 Settlers of Kalguur league. I hope this guide can help you in the process of building a commercial town. I wish you a happy game!

  • How To Make A Super Tank Build For Path Of Exile 3.25 League? - Molten Strike Trickster Build Guide

    Hello Exiles, it’s time to introduce you to the best build in Path of Exile 3.25. This super tank build will help you survive until the end of the league. That’s right, we are here with Molten Strike Trickster build! In this guide, we will take a detailed look at how this build works and how to play it. Let’s jump right in!


    For this build, we will use two different skills, one for map clearing and one for Uber Bossing.

    Single Target Skill

    Let’s start with the single target skill. Our skill of choice is Molten Strike. When you hit an enemy, it will spray Magma Balls, and if you slow the projectile speed down enough, all the balls can even hit the same target.

    Unfortunately, this skill is not very strong in terms of map clearing, but it is the best single target skill you can play with this build.

    However, I believe that players who have played this build in the previous league know that the damage brought by this build is self-evident. Everything will melt in a few seconds. The damage is so high that we even need to stop dealing damage to show how strong this build is.

    Clear Skill

    Our clear skill choice is Lightning Strike, a melee skill that converts half of physical damage to lightning damage. In addition to this, it has a secondary effect that fires a projectile every time you hit an enemy with a melee weapon.

    Both melee and projectile attacks can hit the same target. It’s just that the projectile part will travel on the ground, which can clear the entire screen in a second, while also having enough single-target damage to knock down the map boss very quickly. Therefore, this build also has a unique advantage in POE Currency farming.

    Damage Scaling

    Next, let’s talk about the damage scaling of this build.

    For this, we will use Ephemeral Edge. Additionally, you’ll need Resolute Technique corruption, and the easiest way to get it is to get non-corrupted ones, then Vaal or Double Corrupt your weapons yourself until you reach this.

    However, I have to say, I don’t recommend getting Resolute Technique corruption directly from vendors. It’s not worth the price tag of 10 Divine Orbs or more. You’ll be better off saving your hard-earned currency by doing it yourself.

    Since our main damage type is Lightning, our damage range is very high compared to other builds. What’s more, we can also use Unique Amulet, Voice of the Storm, to get more damage in this build.

    On top of that, Lightning Damage with Non-Critical Strikes is Lucky. This means that every time we damage an enemy, the game will roll twice and automatically choose the higher number. This is great when your damage range is very high.

    Note that we can’t scale crits because we have Unique Amulet, but we can use a very interesting Keystone, Precise Technique, to make up for this shortcoming. If Accuracy Rating is higher than Maximum Life, the attack damage is increased by 40%, in exchange for which we cannot deal critical hits. More importantly, because we used Chaos Inoculation, our Maximum Life is 1, so this Keystone will work effortlessly.

    Then, we can also use 3 Curses in this build because we used Anathema Unique Ring. Since our Curse limit is equal to our maximum Power Charges, and each character can have 3 Charges, our Curse limit is 3.

    Here, the Curses we can use are as follows: Elemental Weakness, Conductivity and Sniper’s Mark.

    Many people may ask how this Unique Ring works if there are no Power Charges in the build. Actually, Curse generation is not exactly as described in the ring, so don’t worry about this. In many cases, Curse will have an effect on Boss even if we don’t have Charges.

    Defense Tips

    In Settlers of Kalguur League, we tried something new as a defensive layer, namely Attack and Spell Block. In this way, we have almost reached the block cap for this build.

    In addition, we have added a new item in this build that we have never used before, and that is Aegis Aurora. This Shield is so elegant. The main reason we chose this Shield is that when you block, it restores Energy Shield equal to 2% of Armor.

    Actually, this alone is not interesting, because how can Trickster have armor to take advantage of it? However, in this league, we use Iron Reflexes again. This Keystone will convert all our Evasion Rating to Armor, which allows us to benefit from Aegis Aurora now.

    Now this build has reached 56k Armor, which means that every time we block, we will gain 1.2 Energy Shield. So basically we can stand still on T17 maps and not die easily unless there is a Detonate Dead summoner there.

    How To Reach 100% Flask Uptime?

    Finally, let’s talk about a new feature in this league. For this build, we used five flasks, and they all have 100% uptime. We achieved this by doing a few things.

    First and foremost, we used Tides of Time with a perfect rolled utility flask charge gain. Additionally, we were able to increase flask duration and flask effect by 1 flask charge gain on Searing Exarch’s Body Armour and taking Natural Remedies.

    More importantly, we needed to precisely choose 4 Tattoos to extend the flask charge time. All of this combined, we can have 100% flask uptime.

    In conclusion, following this guide to build Molten Strike Trickster can bring you a top-notch gaming experience and help you fight to the end in POE 3.25!

  • How To Deal With The Mechanic Of Blight In Path Of Exile 3.25?

    In Path of Exile 3.25, Blight, one of the most anticipated and popular League Mechanics, has been tweaked and changed. And it has embraced a wave of hot discussion simultaneously.

    In response to these changes, this article has written a Blight guide so that you can better understand the relevant mechanisms and make some adjustments to earn more currency.

    Complete Blight In A Easy Way

    Here we need to understand some fresh changes in Blight in leagues. For example, the changes to Blight mechanics in the map, the actual Blighted and Blight-Ravaged maps themselves. But these changes are not enough to change the overall strategy and measures.

    First, players need to apply two special Oil Anoints on their Rings. In this process, you don’t need to worry about the character build, because Ring Annoints only work on Blight Towers. Below we will introduce the two Ring Anoints you need to prepare.

    Best Blight Ring Anoints

    When Your Meteor Towers Create Burning Ground For 3 Seconds On Hit:

    • Indigo Oil
    • Violet Oil

    Players can further clear some obstacles in Blight’s lanes by using AoE ground damage fire to deal continuous damage to nearby enemies. However, this damage is not very effective in some lanes, such as Meteor Tower, and this does not work well for Burning Ground.

    When Enemies Who Are Being Influenced By Chilling Beams Have Been Frozen For 0.2 Seconds By Your Chilling Towers:

    • Opalescent Oil
    • Silver Oil

    This anoint freezes enemies in your lanes, and your towers will then damage them. This damage also works on bosses. Since the lanes are frozen, players can also use low-quality equipment to run the highest level Blight-Ravaged maps.

    The Best Blight Strategy In Path Of Exile

    The best strategy is actually simple, which means you just need to find the best Anoints for all Blight mechanics.

    When lanes appear, find the choke points where lanes intersect. You can build many towers here. Among them, the following four towers need to be paid special attention when building.

    • Level 3 Empower Tower
    • Level 3 Ground Tower
    • Level 3 Chilling Tower
    • Level 4 Meteor Tower

    Level 3 Empower Tower is a key point. To get the buff, you need to make sure that all the towers you build are covered by Level 3 Empower Tower. It is worth noting that the higher the level does not mean better effect, so don’t blindly upgrade the level. For example, Level 4 Empower Towers do not provide buffs, Level 4 Chilling Towers cannot effectively use your Ring Anoint, and Level 4 Ground Tower cannot block enemy attacks.

    If new lanes are opened, be sure to use the combination of these towers to set at least one choke point for each lane.

    Best Ways To Make Currency With Blight

    Blight mechanic can also bring you a lot of benefits. Here are three ways to make POE Currency and their specific usage details.

    Blight-Ravaged Maps

    First, raise Chisel quality to 20%, use Alchemy Orb, make sure they have no modifiers which monsters can’t be stunned or slowed down. If there are, clean them and use Alchemy Orb again.

    Next, you can Anoint 9 Oils in Blight-Ravaged Maps. Among them, Golden Oils are very expensive and you may not be able to use them continuously. According to the actual situation, here lies two combinations for your choices:

    • 1 x Golden Oil
    • 3 x Silver Oils
    • 2 x Opalescent Oils
    • 3 x Teal Oils

    If the price of Golden Oils is high, this combination is actually more recommended:

    • 2 x Black Oils
    • 1 x Opalescent Oil
    • 3 x Silver Oils
    • 3 x Teal Oils

    Blighted Maps

    Compared with Blight-Ravaged Maps, Blighted Maps are relatively simple. Therefore, you need to make good use of this method. All you need to do is Chisel it, then use Alch Orb and Vaal Orb.

    This method only requires three Oils, and you can choose based on your budget. For example, 3x Crimson Oils or 3x Teal Oils.

    In-Map Blight

    In-Map Blight is probably the best way to make Currency. It uses the new Templar Ingenuity node on Atlas Passive Tree. This node can help you recover some extra rewards which are obtained by completing Blight mechanic after building towers. The higher the level of tower the player builds, the better the rewards.

    This means that the player needs to deal with Blight mechanic according to their character damage, and then build as high-level towers as possible. For example, Tier 4 Meteor Tower, Tier 4 Flamethrower Tower, etc. Similarly, the more towers are built, the more rewards they will recover.

    Moreover, this strategy can also obtain a large amount of Gold, which serves as necessity in Settlers of Kalguur league mechanic.

    The above is some information about Blight mechanic. I hope this guide can help you use Blight better and gain more Currency! Thank you for reading.

  • How About The Melee Ground Slam Of Earthshaking Berserker Build In Path Of Exile 3.25?

    Hello, fellow exiles! Here, we will share Ground Slam of Earthshaking Berserker build in POE 3.25, which is an endgame melee slam build specifically for Marauder lovers.

    It is a budget-friendly build that can be gradually scaled and upgraded as you upgrade Berserker build. However, I must remind you that while this build is suitable for new players, it is not suitable for players who like to farm Ubers. So you can decide whether you want to try this build based on your needs.

    Pros And Cons

    First, let’s talk about the pros and cons of this build.

    For the pros, it can easily run T16 maps, clear speed is great, and has high DPS at the same time. This build is perfect for any juiced up farming strategy. Because of its excellent full-screen damage, it can even clear Breach and Legion.

    In addition, its play style feels good, satisfying and addictive, and you can dodge most of the random hits in the game. And thanks to Berserker’s Ascendancy Notable, your attacks are pretty fast too.

    Now let’s talk about the downsides. The biggest downside, I can say is that there isn’t a lot of damage scaling you can add to items. The only reasonable Unique item you can add to the build also has a terrible downside.

    Rare items have almost the exact same generic mods like Resistances and Armor for most other builds. You also don’t get much power out of Eldritch Implicit.

    While you can farm any Pinnacle Boss, the fights with Maven and Sirus are terrible because they teleport all the time. If you don’t have enough Armor and max Resistances, you’ll often find yourself dying from Self-damage and ground degens.

    Build Setup

    You can play this build with any non-elemental slam skill. Currently, Sunder, Ground Slam of Earthshaking, and Ice Crash have the highest DPS among the slam skills. However, Ice Crash is an elemental skill. Sunder has a huge off-screen range, and Ground Slam of Earthshaking is great for map clearing and is a tremendous hit!

    For Warcry builds, average damage is more reliable than DPS. It’s basically a big bonk playstyle where you can only get a few Exerted Attacks in before all the massive bonus damage from Warcry runs out. Especially Intimidating Cry, which gives you double the damage! So don't scale your total attack speed above 2.5.

    For weapons, a base attack speed of 1.7 is just about right to start. Flat Physical Damage is the most important part here. At levels 50 to 70, you can use an Axe with 500 Physical DPS, 80 to 95 with 700 Physical DPS is not bad, but after level 90 you should consider upgrading to an Axe with 1000+ Physical DPS. It’s definitely worth it!

    Warcry Skills

    A big mistake a lot of players make with this type of build is they think Warcry is worth manually casting. Manually casting Enduring Cry, Rallying Cry, and Intimidating Cry works much better. Enduring Cry doesn’t do any attacks, but Intimidating Cry basically does double the damage, however, it does much less damage than other Warcries. So you don’t need to press all those buttons to kill blue monsters.

    You just need to time it well in difficult encounters like farming Essence and major boss fights. All of these Warcries are basically one-shot kills, especially against a lot of tanky monsters. So this build is basically timing your attacks while jumping and dodging stuff.

    I think GGG should seriously consider rebalancing Autoexertion for the melee. At least for manual casting, you can use Urgent Orders Support with 20% quality for each Supported Warcries to make it less annoying to cast.

    So why don’t we use Infernal Cry here? The major problem is Elemental Reflect, secondly it doesn’t pair well with Autoexertion, and thirdly Combustion doesn’t scale with our physical damage build. Worse still, it’s just another extra button. If you’re playing a pure physical attack build, you’d better equip Impale in your build. If you can’t invest in it, just take Impaler Keystone. It will work well during mapping.

    Enduring Cry is important when you enter boss fights. While getting Warcry Mastery with at least 10 power, the increased Charge Duration Mastery will help you have consistent maximum Endurance Charges. This is a very powerful defensive buff in this league. So don’t forget about that.

    Another new tech we have in POE 3.25 is autocast from Battlemage Warcry. You can link Autoexertion and Battlemage Warcry with spells like Vulnerability and easily trigger this skill when it’s triggered.

    Mana Leech

    So how does this build sustain mana? The main answer is Mana Leech. There are many ways to get it. The easiest way is to get physical damage as mana from any rare gem.

    Another key is to reduce the mana cost of skills as much as possible, especially from Passive Skill Tree. In the later stages, you need at least 1 Non-Channeling Ring, which is very important for melee skills. Once you get Autoexertion, it is crucial to invest more POE Currency in your Mana Reservation Efficiency.


    Next, let’s look at the gear required for this build.

    First, equip Ventor’s Gamble not only for the increased Rarity and Gold drop rate but also for the extra Mana Reservation.

    Choose Null and Void Gloves just for stacking Rampage and the fun of using it when mapping. What’s more, Rallying Cry can also treat minions in Rampage as allies, giving you more damage.

    You can use rare gloves with mods such as Life, Attack Speed, and Leech, as well as Implicits with buffs such as Maim and Herald of Purity. Unlike the elemental skills, we don’t have a lot of options here.

    We also have Unwavering Stance in this build, mainly because if we get stunned in Warcry, it could mean there’s another chance.

    Finally, Echoes of Creation gives us a massive damage bonus, but at the cost of taking heavy physical damage. That’s why we need to use Determination and Light of Meaning instead of the damage one.


    Finally, the playstyle of this build also takes a little time to get used to. It maps well, and you have enough damage to map even without Warcry. But in boss fights, you need to hit the target a few times first to spawn Herald of Purity Minions.

    Then, before you hit the big bonk into Oblivion, you can use Rallying Cry and Intimidating Cry. That’s why your damage is inconsistent on the first attack. This is not a problem in mapping, because you always have minions around you. You basically need a target and some allies around you. It works better if you use Warcry near the target, because you can get a total of 25 strength.

    That’s it for the complete guide to this Ground Slam of Earthshaking Berserker build. Trying out this top melee build will give you an exciting gaming experience! See you next time!

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